Tree of Savior Forum

Solution to z-bots. easy

okay how many of us have tried to do a quest and found some one on every single channel z-botting?? i know i run into this problem a lot. its highly annoying and makes it hard to do specific quests for example in the crystal mine everyone farms the vub miners. so you have to wait like for ever to be able to finish that first part of the quest cause the z-botter killed all of the quest monsters… my solution which is rather simple its a win-win. allow people to auto attack with z or what ever button their auto attack is. BUT give it a set time limit before you have to hit the button again. for example. an archer starts z-botting and is killing every thing, but in say 5 minutes he automatically stops shooting ands you have to press the button again. this eliminates afk z-botting so people cant just tape the button down and go to work or where ever. because the system stops them every 5 minutes. it does not have to be that specific amount of time it was just an example. but this is my suggestion to solve the afk all day z-botters.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop macro usage.

but it does stop z-botting. thats what the topic was about.