Tree of Savior Forum

Solution to the Bot Problem

Make it so every player thats flagged for being a bot is automatically moved to a bot only server. The only way to get off of the bot server is to find a slay a griffin in real life and mail a copy of a video of you slaying said griffin to IMC. If a player is unable to find a griffin for slaying a Drake or small dragon is also acceptable. If a player cant find any of those you have to find another Tree of Savior player in real life and fight them. Posting a video of the fight on the forums for other players to judge. Whoever wins gets to keep playing the loser loses their account forever. Eventually the bot server will fill up and the bots will be wasting their time.

Sooo your solution to dealing with bots is basically:


Your half right they also need to post videos of the fights for the rest of the forums amusement. Theres no reason getting rid of bots cant be fun.

I fully support this,but only if we can have a gladiator-coliseum style arena in real life as well.If people are going to be fighting for their accounts,I may as well be able to watch it with a large Coke and nachos.


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I welcome them while they are training in temple im eating as many nachos as possible to create a soft cushiony gut. No one will be able to hurt me through my ever growing protective layer of fat.

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Sumo fighters also train muscle and that was his mistake. Im training pure fat.

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Whole community in game feels like bots…

Yeah and there’s even “troll bots” that roam this forum. You see them posting occasionally trying to stir up some rage and then they repeat themselves over and over again while not reading anything you were saying. It’s pretty obvious they are bots so I’m suggesting to IMC that they include a “Report Bot” feature for the forums.