Tree of Savior Forum

Solution for z-botting

Z is love Z is life.

Ban me again please.

No need to get over it, I’m handling it just fine.

No bans for AFK-Z’ing, fine, but you guys defending this are silly if you think this isn’t going to cause problems in the future. The population density this game will have over kTOS when it hits F2P will be enormous, and just because it’s not a popular thing to do in a region-locked cellphone-verification version, doesn’t mean it won’t be a thing in an International version. No new player wants to come into the game and see a bunch of high-levels showing macro-like actions in low-level zones.

Not many people at the moment even do it since IMC didn’t officially and straightforwardly say “It’s okay, you can do it and won’t get banned.” and those banwaves they’re doing are scaring them. But as soon as word spreads that it’s not punishable, well, you get the idea.

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I cannot find any suitable reason for them to afk and z-botting like that.
Obviously, if you play the game, play it. If you don’t, you can afk somewhere and enjoy what you’re doing. That’s perfectly fine.

But harassing the attack button for your own benefit? Someone tell me how retard it is!

And leave pet alone, their attack is slow and they won’t run around attacking mobs every second. Compare to those bots running around, pet can only give you a tiny bit of profit. Imagine I’m a lone traveller and taking a break in a dgn so I can continue later, I need my pet to protect me and those jackas.s complain my cute, tiny fluffy? Go feed your dog plz.

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I agree with that, but if you ask me when someone is dead their pet should also be dead or disappear (untill the person is back alive).

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