Tree of Savior Forum

Soloing this ele is a pain in the ass >.<

Hi guys,

I made this build for myself which I am currently playing:

Cryo and Linker synergize super with Electrocute, at least that’s what it seemed like for me.

The only issue I’m facing is that I’m terrible at soloing, especially if it’s a large amount of mobs.
I like AoE damages and I think they synergize very well with linker as well but is the Ele even made for soloing / grinding?

Would you guys drop something out of it and add some sorcerer, for having a tank / aggro puller?

The issue is youre missing wizard 3 for quick cast

Elementalist spells take ages to cast so quick cast is almost mandatory

That build can 1 shot but good luck casting them spells.

Yea, I thought about that but I would lose the support/additional damage from cryo and linker and soloing wiz3 seems really like a pain in the ass tbh :confused:

Things sometimes don’t go the way you want them to.
You can drop 1 class to get surespell.

I think dropping linker would be the worst idea, right?

Cryolinker is naturally going to be a longer term investment if you take ele without wiz3. Its a build that’s less conductive to full DPS, working best if you’re going for more of a hybrid at rank 8+ in the future.

Thing is that for Elementalist you either go Wizard C3 for Surespell and Quick Cast (mostly for Quick Cast because of the attribute and fast casting) or skip the class entirely.

Sure you can try out with other combos and you might be able to do really nice dmg with it, but with those long casting times mobs are most likely going to die before you can even cast it in party play, it’s sad but it’s the way it is, also the attribute from Quick Cast is 50% more magic dmg, a buff that will be always useful.

Did exactly this build and rerolled Wiz 3 -> Ele. Reason is this build has low sinergy with itself.

Linking will often target ice walls (which you don’t want), and while eletrocute is decent with linking, you get more by going wiz3 instead because eletrocute not only has a long charge time (2s), but also has a long animation. Also the best ele spell (frost ground) doesn’t benefits from either cryo or linker.

Its also very hard to pull off a frozen linked eletrocute (because enemies don’t stay frozen for long, and as stated before eletrocute has a long charge time and animation). Wiz 3 -> Ele is better overal since quick cast/surespell makes your spells easier to land and makes them hit harder as well.

My opinion on linker is, don’t get linker unless you are going support, as any other linker in your party will make you waste one rank.

It can be very efficient to have a linker and off-linker in dungeons. Only works if both linkers have decent teamwork though. Had a few parties with another linker who played very smart, timed JP correctly, and we cleared so ridiculously fast. But I understand this isn’t the case in most instances.

It’s a pain because it’s a bad build.

I’d suggest you to go Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock if you like elementalist, you need short cast times and damage amplifier from Wiz 3 to play it at it’s best.