Tree of Savior Forum

Solo-play Chronomancer

Hi, all. First post, newcomer.

I just started a Wizard and I’m really drawn to the Chronomancer. Now, I know Chrono is focused on support, but I’ll be spending at least half of my time playing solo (I have a small 3-man group, though).

My question would be:
Is there any Chrono build template for solo players? Sort of a hybrid thing, a “battlemancer” so I won’t be forced to party just to get by on higher levels?
If so, how should I ratio stats?

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Cryo 3 Chrono 3 is the best option for solo play I would recommend you playing.
I do play in a full support chronomancer and life is hard for solo players like you and me, even though it’s not impossible.
Status do depend if you gonna pvp or pve.

Thanks for the quick answer.

Isn’t Cryo3/Chrono3 a full support/party-based build, though? Or is it ok for soloing as well? I’m just getting started, preparing myself for a hard time…lol

Sorry, I plan to PvP.

Full support chrono is something like cryo linker2 chrono3.
Cryo3 Chrono3 is indeed a support based combination but still can handle better than the first one.
Way, way better.

Status for pvp will depend on you. Some ppl will say “go full con” others “put a bit of spr and int”.
I myself always put 50 points on int, 25-30 on spr and the rest on con.
But it’s also, up to you. You should be aware that your main role as chrono isn’t DPS so con is your primarily status.
Keeping this in mind, you should be good making what you think is the best for ya.

Thanks a lot. Will try CryoChrono 3 and see how it goes.

On the contrary, I actually find Linker2 so much more easy to solo with than Cryo3 (I’ve tried both).

I think the OP wants to go for a DPS oriented Chrono though. There have been Pyro1/2-Linker2/1-Chrono3 builds going around but I don’t think those are good for PvP.

There was this build mentioned somewhere about doing Pyro-Warlock with Chrono1 just for Stop. Maybe you can look for it.

Not necessarily DPS oriented, by it wouldn’t hurt to check the viability of one. How viable would a self-buff Chrono be?

Cryo/Chrono sure is meta… but I gotta say Pyro/Chrono strikes me as the more sane solo build. Cryo will survive all kinds of stuff, but you’ll likely just wish it would die faster rather than sit there frozen sucking down your sp points.

Just one question :

Why goinge Linker C2 ?

I’m really surprised by this thread. There’s only 5 different classes that can go into a chrono3 build.

Out of all of them pyro excells the most at soloing AND boss killing yet sucks in the presence of melee players. Linker is better than pyro in parties dealing with high density mobs, but has next to 0 boss killing ability for solo play. Pyrolinker is a balance of the two.

Next is wiz3 with magic missile and QC. Its a future build because wiz3>x>chrono3 demands rank 8+ DPS skills to truly get what you sign up for.

In terms of solo strength after wiz3 would be cryo3. You do get really great cc ability to protect yourself. The thing is while soloing you don’t need defense, but offense. In comparison to your other choices cryo is closer to the bottom. Adding linker instead of full c3 makes cryo vastly better at solo play.

Lastly is thaum. Oh thaum.

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Lots of different opinions, thanks a lot.

I’ll have to dig a bit deeper, since there doesn’t seem to be a consensus to what I’m looking for. I have some time before settling down on Pyro/Cryo, so I’ll try to use that time as best as I can to make an informed decision.

The reason there is no general consensus is because wizard is a class that requires synergy in order to do support and DPS.

Wizard DPS is viable at ranks where you get chronomancer. In order to be viable DPS need to plan your early ranks carefully.

If you go support it’s the reverse. The DPS from ranks 2, 3 and 4 aren’t enough to carry you end game if you go support. So you sacrifice even more damage at the earlier ranks with cyro or linker making your support even stronger.

Because of the way the classes are ordered and because of the limited ranks we have there isn’t such a thing as a competent dps who can support.

Pyro falls off HARD after level 200. Cryo damage also falls off but you have the CC which remains useful for life. Taking linker drastically reduces your offensive capability to 3 damaging skills (which is either pyro 1 or cryo 1).

Here’s what it boils down to (unfortunately):

Going pyro C1 or C2 will benefit your DPS early on. Once you start reaching level 150 you’ll notice it’s not as good anymore. By level 200 you might as well not be doing any damage (less if you take pyro C2).

Going cyro (either C1 or C3, never C2) will benefit your DPS, just not as much as pyro. C3 is AMAZING with it’s limitless mobbing capability and control. As your damage falls off you’ll still be useful because of frost pillar, icewall, ice pike and snow rolling.

Going linker at any point will destroy your DPS. You’ll be a monster once every 22 seconds until about you get chronomancer C1. Afterwards you won’t do any damage as priest skills fall off around the 150-200 range. The offset is that you have monstrous party support providing massive DPS increases to moderate groups of mobs.

Should you linker, cryo, or pyro?
Personally, with the given class choices I wouldn’t ever recommend pyro. It just fails so hard in missions and dungeons because of it’s mechanics.

Cryo is meta because of the synergy it provides with AoE based classes. Frost pillar doesn’t have a limit to how many mobs it can pull and it lasts longer than hangman’s knot. Apart from that snow rolling gives 8 seconds of control where mobs aren’t damaging anyone. It’s stupidly amazing for maps with high mob density and earth tower, it’s great in dungeons.

Linker will boost DPS of your party but a metric ton. It’s mechanic is limited to 8 mobs (you won’t go linker C3, you NEED chrono c3). But those 8 mobs will die in seconds. It’s support with chrono provides a class combination that is absolutely godly in dungeons because of the way mobs are packed into small groups.

When more ranks and classes get released things might change. But for now wizard isn’t a place where it can do both. If you go hybrid you’ll suffer in both areas.


Have not found a high level Pyro/Chrono example yet but here is some type of Pyro/Linker/Featherfoot at level 236 for your consideration. I don’t believe it falls off that much worse than anything, of course it’s not going to do as much as c7 classes but the point is you can use stop and pass with it in a chrono build.

Pyro has the fun ability to deal damage to things under the effect of stop btw. Cryo doesn’t enjoy that.

You could double link mobs with JP-Optionally wait for allies to cast their superspells-Pass-JP. Then if you use HK, all the linked mobs go to the same target, regardless of whether the links have an intersection or not.

You can do cool stuff with damage dealing debuffs such as burn (you turn the fireball burn attribute on if you’re a linker) with Joint Penalty. If you burn all 8 targets in your JP, that’s 8 shared ticks of burn per second.

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Thank you for the elaborate insight. Hybrid-ing isn’t a choice, if I understood correctly. Going by that, sticking to Chrono 3 relegates one to not invest in DPS at all, correct? (all that assumes endgame aspirations, of course)

One question: on a future planning (and loads of assumption, I guess), how solid is a Psycho2 invesment for a Chrono char?

You explained that very well, and for the most part I feel the same. Though I disagree with two points. First, the scaling is slighty exaggerated. Pyro3 performs fine until 240+ at which point, unlike cryo, fireball is still capable of doing DPS (solo, outside of instances). I didn’t notice the falloff begin at all until the 190 instance.

Second, pyro, cryo, and linker all excel in different areas while being very weak in others. Our endgame instances currently favor the control king cryo3>chrono3 absolute zero-ly. PvP also favors cryochrono. Experienced players always think of the big picture. In order to do that we sometimes boil things down more generally (also to explain things clearly).

The point Id like to get across after giving it a lot of thought is that the game is multi-faceted. This is the forums, and we often discount aspects of the game that don’t fit a singular endgame criteria when supplying information. Keeping an open mind can be dangerous yet rewarding when you actually play builds that challenge the paradigm. You are able to recognize the value of each class in different contexts.

Okay. But what does all that mean anyway, you ask?

For example OP directly said he’s looking for a solo proficient build. Pyro has several orders of magnitute higher DPS output than cryo, especially considering pass. Will you be as proficient in earth tower or pvp? No. Not even close. Pyro will not be useful at all in instances eventually dps-wise. Will you be less frustrated by quests, bosses, and being self-reliant? The answer is yes. Which means a player might enjoy a class more even if its not meta.

That’s my argument in favor of diversity at least when it comes to chrono.


My 2 cents:

You can choose either Cryo 3 or Linker 2 to your build, both are fine, both have good and bad points and are extremely good at specific points of the game.

Chrono 3 on it’s own is very good on every gameplay, it offers attack speed and huge mov speed, also reduces cooldown by a huge amount and has other VERY useful utilities. Chrono 3 on it’s own is most already close enough to a god-like support class.

Cryo 3 gives you very good CC, which can be very well combined with Chrono and make the ultimate time-owner character.

Linker 2 makes your party playing MUCH easier, it’s actualy very useful to share QS3 ASPD buffs when you already have Chrono 3 ASPD buff.

As a linker-chrono you most likely won’t be needing your cryo or pyro skills for party playing because your thing is support. Cryo 3 has some CC but it’s not even close to enough at circle 1. Pyro is not enough damage too, most likely you won’t be using neither if you are going Linker2-Chrono3 as what you really need to do is keep buffs up and Link mobs.

Pyro 1 will make your game more enjoyable. You are taking a path with no offensive spells. Even if pyro’s skills are not the best, having a few spells to make you auto-attack less is a huge thing for a class that is based only on Buffs and Links.

Yes, Cryo 1 is a better path for parties, you can freeze monsters and help your party die less but to be honest, no group 200+ really needs the CC of a cryo 1.

Anyway, both are good choices, I’d just go Pyro because I don’t think the struggle of going Cryo is worth the outcome when we are talking about 1 circle choices.

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Very well written points. That’s great info, I appreciate it.

One final question:
A lot of sources around say that SPR is a waste of points. Is it?
I’m going full CON so far. No business trying to cover mdef?