Tree of Savior Forum

So when do mages get... good?

So far I am a wiz->cryo->psykino and I just find it lacking, skills have way to long of a cooldown for how little damage they actually do, they also suck too much sp. I mean my archer in the 50 dungeon did more with auto attacks than my cryokino’s spells can do per hit. Only exception being the ice wall->Psychic pressure combo but thats luke once every 70 seconds.

Should I have suffered thru to wiz3 and then gone elm3 and warlock? or will this eventually start being able to do decent damage?

Well most Wizard classes aren’t really dps. They are mostly CC that do damage or support that increase damage.

Your damage isn’t going to be close to Archers and Wiz3 Ele3 because Cryo-Kinos are more of CC gods (freezes, wall, snowball, pillar, pp, raise, swap, mag, grav) with ok damage (pp, snowball, grav) and high burst (icewall pp)

Mages get good when people start calling them Wizards :smirk:

wizards are a class of mind over might… you must learn their ways instead of expecting them to be just good at it… you must be good at it :wink:


Dont compare dps build to cc build - which in most cases works best in the party.

Even ele build needs like r5 to spread its wings.

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If you want DPS, you have to take Pyro path, Cryo work well as CC due to the freeze stats in almost all of its skills, I am at Pyro C2 right now, and got linker along the way for a bit of help but i changed my build in the middle of the way to Sorc and i don’t regret, i can kill stuff almost instantly depending of it s HP pool and defenses (armor, resists, etc…) even things 10 levels higher than me.

Any class, when well planned, can do anything well for what it was planned, i am not saying that skills and classes don’t need rebalance because they sure need it, but at least start to learn how to build the class you are found of then from there is a matter of play style.

You go for the CC path, which is godly in PvP btw, so don’t expect good damage until rank 7

Pyro is only a good DPS at like mid game, maybe up to level 170++. After that Wiz 3 Ele 3 or others excel.

Not sure yet, but so far i am having fun, the thing is, people tend to separate the whole set from each other, when one say, “ah my build is this” the others automatically say, “you will regret later for have picked X class because it is weak”, the class alone can be weak, but if used together with the others you picked it can shine, as i said, i still have lots of attributes to level so i can have it the way i want.

Not only that, but i am always in a party of 2 at least, so it is not only me doing the killing and things go smooth.

Yep - Pyro is great early lvls - it falls of later on - so imo its better to invest early ranks in buffs that will help u later on (like quickspell) or in cc’s that are always helpful (cryo).

Yes its fun at the early game. People tell you that it will fall off because it does fall off though.

Pyro is usually used as a filler for support class to level.

Pyro may not be that extreme, but look at how all the non tank swordsman is not being wanted in party later. That’s a flaw of the game, not all build is actually viable.

alright you build IW-PP combo that may able to pull off once per minutes but ask for dps…

lol dude, cryo>kino is like THE cc build. u are a tank not a dps.

Crowd controller not tank :v

but u replace the tank in dungs

Cryo->Psycho sounds like your overall plan was CC. IW+PP is good (personally I prefer FB+PP, but to each his own) You may want to look at Runecaster if you plan on continuing Cryo if you want more damage.

Mages get good once your build starts coming together and you get the class ranks you need. Evaluate your performance based off the role you want to play.

they just need provoke atribute, and good dmg, but most builds are bad (not planned right) and they forgot about provoke completely

u don’t really need peltasta to tank

But it takes much longer time to gather up the mobs and kill them. Peltasta can do the job much faster, which makes a non Peltasta not preferable.

They are many other reasons too, but not going to discuss about it here.

when i turn to cryo/psy it was a a good dmg boost for me i was lvling with my archer friend he was mostly watching dead mobs but at cryo/psy2 i started to leech because at psy2 we don’t have good skills just cc at rank 3 psy you will feel you could kill :slight_smile: if you are planing to go for rank 3.

The only “late” game build that makes wiz heavy dmg dealer is wiz3-ele3-war1.
There is no other build that can do heavy dmg. no. other. build.