Tree of Savior Forum

So what's your day 1 impression?

My good god, its no more in beta. Go read what it say on steam.its not in beta in korea as well.
You people need to stop the trip and be in the real life.

It actually is a soft release for founders.

And it is no different that the release I’ve experienced for the last 2 WoW xpacs or the Eden Eternal OBT-Release I experienced, or the Scarlet Blade release I experienced.

It was a lot of lag, too many people wanting to play at once and a few bugs…I’ve played much buggier games at release :stuck_out_tongue:

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Either way that wasn’t really the point of my post, the point was don’t waste valuable items in a unstable buggy environment. XD

Either way that wasn’t really the point of my post, the point was don’t waste valuable items in a unstable buggy environment. XD

This dude gets it…this dude is the kind of person who know’s what’s up and is smart about it.

It will be like this all the time from the look of thing so what use it never?
Imc did say they working on fix for the cherecter problems in the next 24h so they dont think like you.



I don’t think so…been following ToS for a long time, and last I heard this was release…not any beta.

Though when you think about it…most times OBT IS release for most games…

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The biggest problem for me was:
Why the heck clicking “Enter” every time on server select screen, removes you from login queue and puts you back at the end of it?
I press Enter… nothing happens for 30 seconds, so I press it again, still nothing happens. At this point, I keep clicking it every 3 seconds, hoping it will let me in. But of course no! Because everyone keeps clicking 10 times per second, the clients are sending too many requests and the login server can’t handle it!

That’s a major design flaw. Every client should be limited to sending only 1 login request every 15 seconds. If they did that, we wouldn’t have so much trouble logging in!


Was that so hard to think of? Honestly, I feel like the company is full of incompetent people.

Thanks to that bullshit I couldn’t reserve the team names I wanted.

Edit: take a look for example at Blade and Soul login screen. After you press “Login” button, THE BUTTON DISAPPEARS. So even if there is a big queue to login, people won’t be sending redundand login requests and everyone thanks to that will be able to login faster.

Was that so hard to implement? Really? IMC’s lack of prediction-skills is truly facepalm-worthy.

There’s literally proof of Tree of Savior going into Open Beta. What you think isn’t relevant. IMC has said themselves that they are releasing an Open Beta. Now if they decided to skip the Open Beta and go directly to release, that’s another issue.

Each to their own I guess, I believe that in time things won’t be as hectic as on the first day/week/month. But hey that is my humble opinion you are free to have your own. :wink:

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Not sure anyone but you had trouble with that.

It’s pretty obvious that you’re supposed to click on which server, click on your channel, and click the enter server…why would you be hitting your enter key for any reason at all?

@Rubiss it COULD be they skipped it…then again, most companies do have a pre-release OBT for ‘founders’…people who support the game to have early access…OBT is just a small almost invisible phase before release usually, so the two are equivalent I’ve noticed…

I agree here.

And lans needs to stop typing like he’s drunk because it’s actually nice to be able to understand what someone is typing…lol

But every game has a hard time launching…it always gets better a few days/weeks after…so I’m not concerned at all.

Pretty sure you didn’t read Reddit when the servers went live. Lots and lots of people had the same problem.

How are you supposed to know that you were supposed to click Enter ONCE, then wait for 3 minutes to login? The message box disappears after 2 seconds. If there was a PERMANENT message box that said “please wait patiently while logging in…” it would be a completely different matter. But when the message box disappears after 2 seconds? You are left with the feeling that the login server is screwing with you.

I never had a problem…I clicked enter server and immediately I either entered or got a message saying I was queued for entering the server.

Lucky for you m8.


you are mising the last month’s of your life or somthing?
The begest problem was they did say thete will be open beta. Then they say we go live and we start in a 3 months premium. They 3ven deleted the open beta post they did.

Since you clearly enjoy the attention you’re getting, I’m going to roll with it.

Many people playing ToS and who bought the founders pack are players looking to play something similiar to old school MMORPG’s. I’m guessing most of us have at least 7+ years experience with MMO’s, so your elitist argument of “REAL MMO PLAYERS” should be invalid in most cases. Not to mention that if someone is new to the MMO scene and paid for the pack, he or she is no less deserving of a good service than a veteran; the monetary cost is exactly the same for both and people shouldn’t be penalized for that. Also, if you’re juvenile enough to believe that the real mmo player argument is a valid one, you should expect any “REAL GAMING COMPANY/DEVELOPER” to ensure the quality of their service for their paying customers.

I feel it was expected the launch would be having issues, so the lag and the queues, while not totally justifiable, should be tolerable as it’s something 99% of the companies today can’t really avoid running into during launch. However, it was said in an earlier announcement that you’ll be able to tranfer your team, current token benefits and items whitout issues in the future, free of charge, and yesterday, Staff_Ethan (I think) actually reccomended people to NOT RECLAIM their packs, hours after the game was launched because there was a possibility of them not being able to keep up their promisse, and that’s unacceptable for premium content.

Rationalize it however you want, I don’t care about losing a couple of hours of token time due to the issues on launch day since the exp bonus helps me catch up with guildies while working full time, but the possibility of losing what I paid for being something real, you can’t justify IMC’s actions.

And please, shut the ■■■■ up about some guys speaking in broken english, it may not be their first language (like most of the player base, including me), or they may not have had access to a proper method of learning the language, but they’re still respecting this forum’s rules by speaking in a language they’re not comfortable in. I can’t understand how a functional working adult (such as you claim to be) can make for such falacious cases against other users in this playerbase.

Please, get your head out of your ass and think about the bigger picture here, as the image that’s being built up during these issues, is going to affect how the game, community and even IMC is perceived by future players, and most importantly, future and current paying customers.


Ye the problem is that imc dont know what they eant to do or what they even can do.
Really telling people to not open the premium items after so much time is stupid.

March 21st

Can I save my Founder’s Pack until a EU server opens and retrieve it there?
-You can hold onto your Founder’s Pack in the in-game mailbox, as the pack will appear across all servers and do not expire, but EU/SEA/Oceania/LA/other regional servers opening is in debate and not a confirmed matter so please take that into consideration.

What you quoted has no relation whatsoever to the issue you raised in your post, but here’s what I was talking about:

[UPDATE - March 28th, 2016]
Team name:
Team name is unique across all servers, so you cannot have the same Team name on multiple servers. Therefore, this will not be a problem when transferring Teams.

What gets transferred:
Characters, TP, companions, and ongoing Token benefits. If you have an item registered on the Market, please take it back to your possession before the transfer to ensure the safety of your item.
We’ll remind you again in our later announcement.

I know I can hold it, I didn’t because of what I just quoted (the “What gets tranferred” section)