Tree of Savior Forum

So what do you think of w-pyro3-kino3

I like doing pvp but i want to pve too

I choose kino 3 instead of chrono 3 for

  1. Tele
    Pvp : great skill to use… Just stack all skill in 1 place and tele enemy on it… Nice damage
    Pve : useless as this skill only take 1 enemy

  2. Swap
    Pvp / Pve : nice attrbute to swap 5 enemies into your fire skill and has 2 seconds bind to follow up with locking combo skill…and at group battle i can swap in the middle of enemy and use rise

  3. Magnetic force
    Pvp/ pve : great skill to capture enemies inside it and then use fire skill

  4. Rise
    Pvp / pve : great skill to capture enemies and cast rise next to grill the enemies

  5. Gravity Pole
    Pvp : only to slowdown people on fire skill
    Pve : nice to bind enemies on fire skill

But the problem is… Is this build really worse than w-Pyro3-Chrono3???

As chrono 3 has pass to spam fire skill more…
But chrono only has 2 CC skill its slow and stop and neither are working againts PD Bloodletting ( while kino has 5 CC and all works againts pd bloodletting )

Im still w-pyro2 atm… I need you suggestion at end game (PVP and PVE)


It sounds good in theory. I am actually curious to it myself. I am making a pyro3 chrono3 right now and I am looking forward to it. Let me know if your build is OP

so how u doing at pvp??

can u kill PD easily??

what enemy is your nightmare at pvp??

and is Pass really good for FB, Fire Pillar, and Flame ground CD reduction??

how about slow lv 15?? does it really stop enemy at pvp (-30 speed)

and what skill can attack enemy after i infilict with Stop Status???

Well, it is clear you don’t know Kino properly.

First, Telekinesis is resistable by Bloodletting and Phrophecy, besides randomly not working due to SPR or enemies moving too fast.

Gravity Pole is useless, unless all of your other skills are on CD. The slow is not that good to keep players inside the small AoE of Pyro skills.

Swap is super hard to land on PvP due to its extremely small AoE. Your target needs to be standing still (long cast time skills / standing on safety zone) or by being CC’d (which in most cases is a better CC than Swap locking them).

Only the pull of Magnetic Force is unresistable, afaik (still a great skill). But the snare afterwards the pull is resistable, as well as Swap’s snare attribute.

Still has some skills to play with, but it is not as good as you make it look.

Omaigod lucky me i still reach rank 2 pyro… And havent changed to kino yet…well then it narrow to 1 skill only to prevent PD : raise

Hmmmm i dont think thats good anymore…

I will choose chrono instead, but what i afraid the most is PD bloodletting… I cant stop neither slow him…

Damn this Bloodletting make all class cc useless againts it

Plague doctors are every CCs enemy. My cryo is useless when there is a PD. There is not much you can do to stop a PD. The best time to strike is during his cooldowns. Easier said then done. When he is casting something I usually hit him with a strong attack like frost tree to frost cloud or the best is magnetic force into flesh cannon.

pyrokino user here. its decent only thing I find lacking is in dps.

although you can already kill with your current arsenal but not fast enough
but you can with or without someone’s help.

gravity pole sucks at the moment because it is literally useless can’t CC and super low damage.

Pyrokino C3 here ranked in the first 50 people in TBL, without a decent build neither level I can actually control the game just by cc’ing them or even getting kills. PD, Oracle, dievdirbys and bugs are your worst enemies and if playing this class is really hard, if you are facing any of those classes mentioned before you will have like a real bad time. Still can win, but you can finish the pvp in 10 secs if you manage to cc the 5 of them (i.e dragoon, monk, 2 archers and wizard).

Veery nice replies…thank u all