Tree of Savior Forum

So... to my surprise... (w3-ele3-sorc1-ench2)

is working out better than I expected, still I have the feeling that I could be using something intead of ench2… any suggestions? (I do like to electrocute enemies to death but this consumable thing makes it awful)

shadowmancer, maybe?

Are you full SPR? If so, in my opinion enchanter is the best fit. Or featherfoot2 simply for healing… Unless you are willing to swap elem3 with thaum3 to go shadowmancer for R8-9.

yes, full SPR, does shadowmancer use int? if that’s the case guess I’m not going to be using resets :open_mouth:

You can go shadow2 or sage2.

Shadowmancer has no direct benefit from Spr, but shadow spells have ridiculous high mana cost, which makes it almost mandatory to go spr anyways. Good single target dmg on bosses, decent aoe.

Sage 2 will give you 2 good aoe spells and one very good single target spell. Sage skills have high cd.

Right, shadowmancer uses INT. @Coinfire is correct, shadowmancer’s skills have no benefit from SPR. The SP cost is insane, that’s why the only shadowmancer build I recommend is a full SPR that runs thaum3 and sorc1 to compensate the lack of INT.

alright, thank you for the input :slight_smile:

shadow using int but… his spells cost a lot of mana if u want go for shadow2, so spr is better imo for shadow :slight_smile: imo for your build shadow2 will be better than ench2

I have a Wiz3 > Ele3 > Sorc1 > Sage2

I chose Sage2 over Shadow2 because I find Shadow2 to be terrible without Linker for AoE or Kino vs Flying. Right now the biggest endgame activity is to run CM in Saus9, and Sage2 performs a lot better than Shadow2 there.