Tree of Savior Forum

So lets support rmts?

Since when did I say you have no idea who he is. Quote it.
In fact at this point of time, who doesn’t.

I did read the announcement… But last time I stepped out Europe wasn’t poor continent enough to qualify for ToS discounts :grin:

Don't worry, I know you meant SA instead.

I love this BS numbers people like to throw around

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SA actually will have its own publisher by what I’m really understanding… So I guess? Yeah I dunno where I got EU from, maybe the whinyness is getting to me and now I’m not reading…

RMT is one of the reasons we are in this shitty situation right now, and you’re advocating support for it?

Come on now. That’s not the way to go about this.


Huehuehuehuehuebuehue. People getting treated equally and they complain. weren’t there ton of discrimination posts the other day and now that regional prices are gone (for a moment) they’re back at it wanting to be unique snow flakes when it serves them.

Butttttt if you would learn how to comprehend some things here’s the highlights:
1.) Region servers will be sold Regional Priced TP. These will be unique and unable to be utilized by servers intended for other regions
2.) The current DLC prices have realistically lost value (closing to F2P launch) if you waited to buy when it was too late it’s kind of on you. That being said, crying about prices of things in a game where you don’t need to pay a cent is, well, I’m sure you can imagine how silly it sounds. Just say it out loud, “Prices too high for Free to Play!! Q_Q” doesn’t that feel silly?
3.) The discount applying tmrw brings the prices back down to normal levels for most people and are major discounts for NA/EU players. At this point It’s hard to claim IMC just wants a NA server base since they’re also opening up SA and SEA servers already exist. That being said, for the time being it’s only fair and sensible that TP is priced across the board equally. Back to point 1 when and if you play at your server, prices will essentially be by server. Still making it equal across the board for the practical matters of gameplay.

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Well personally I only know him because BRs keep bringing him up in Shout on Orsha. How ironic, BR people are advertising Trump.

I find this super odd as well, I have not once seen an American bring Trump up in this game; it’'s always a foreigner.

Anyways OP, -1 point to you.

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Come on guys, im just trying to promove the discord and war.

After ready IMC announcement, i got IMC point.