Tree of Savior Forum

So is leveling as cryo suppose to be hell?

Like okay, I know cryo is CC.
but is it suppose to be this much suffering?
just started and lv35.
planning on 100con, rest in int.
Taking forever to kill things, use up my ice pikes, my ice bolts, things are literally going as fast as ice

You didn’t post the build, we don’t know if you did something wrong or not, i have a Cryo Kino that i will make a RC, at lower Lvs i killed stuff fast with Ice Wall and Ice Pike, i took Ice Bolt to finish off half dead enemies.

After getting to Kino stuff die even faster, but as you have experienced you have few skills and lots of CDs.

Its a matter of what build you are using, after certain point stuff goes faster since you have more skills to use while others are on CD.

If your talking of a straight cryo3 then yeah its a hell but cafrisium set + arde + buffs from priest will greatly help you pass it… Cryo3 sorc1 here atm…

yea it is difficult to plvl cyro especially if u solo a lot. make sure u always have pardoners buff scrament and aspersion to ease ur plvling and always bring mp pots u gonna need it alot

echoing cafrisun set, sacrament, arde at 75 and then just lock on target, hop, auto attack. If you can afford, also buy +elemental attack on all 3 head accessories. Everything just melts so far auto-attacking with my 132 cryo chrono…

Nop… Its quite easy but just slower. At least you have some offensive skills which wizards c1, c2 dont have until they get magic missle. Just get to town and buy blessing and sacrament from pardorner. Then go to market buy cafrisun set (i bought 5k each part last time), which is 20k+ in total. Settle :slight_smile: Dont save that few silvers from buying buffs and make your life so hard -.-

Definitely not difficult, but it can be pretty slow. Cafrisun set + pardoner buffs make things a lot more bearable, though, and once you hit Cryo 3, things will be a lot more enjoyable. It’s fun to roll over enemies with a gigantic snowball. Parties will love you for your CCs when you do dungeon runs. I know I did. :3

Lots of CDs, though.

Nothing hard to level as cryo, your ealy levels you will mostly be auto hitting, just get cafrisun set, get arde at 75 and get priests buffs and you will 1/2 hit every monsters already.

You use ice spike purely for killing groups of monsters or ccing, other skills are pretty much control only.

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My first two characters I leveled together were wiz3ele3 and cryo sorc. I thought Cryo 3 was a little bit easier than leveling wiz3 ele3. But then recently I leveled QS archer and even QS leveling is supposed to be tedious but I found QS leveling much easier than those two wizard builds so I guess cryo is one of the harder ones to level. But overall it wasn’t too bad.

Don’t be put off, C3 Cryo is awesome as hell. :smiley:

Went Kino3 Cryo3 with Cryo C3 being R7, oh the difference it made! <3 Frost Pillar, Subzero Shield and Snow Rolling

I only notice that cryos suffer from boss fights since bosses can resist cc. Maybe if you pick a dps class after cryo 3,mobbing might improve.

The only way CRYO can contribute Good damage in Boss fight is PP+Icewall, which require you to take Kino.
Ice pike is the only spell in cryo kit that do decent damage.
so if you plan on DPS then use other class (Kino, Ele, Pyro - you have 3 more rank after Cryo3)
also I highly recommend DON’T do Wiz1 - Cryo - Cryo - Cryo.
there no point getting Cryo3 on Rank 4. pick other class first it will help you level easier. Just make sure you have Cryo3 by Rank 6. so you have easy time in Almeth.

Is it hard?

It is. I am currently a Cryo3Ele3 and more than half of my total leveling time was spent on the Cryo (despite it being still on the early levels). It was my starter and I didn’t have money for the equips suggested here. What eventually made it easier was after Cryo2, I took a left turn and got my Ele1. It helped a lot in getting additional skills to kill with. It delayed me from my snowball and xmas tree though.

Currently cryo3-kino1 intending to go cryo3-kino3.

I got kino1 at rank 3 and it make bursting down bosses during quests a breeze. Ice wall + ppl combo destroys them.

Cryo 2 didn’t felt any different. Got gust and it’s the worst skill ever don’t ever take it.

Got cryo3 at rank 5 and it made me dam awesome at the 130 dungeon with the Xmas tree. Even made my ice wall combo easier by first grouping the mobs with tree. Snow rolling is hella fun but don’t use it recklessly. A lot times I find myself losing a lot of hp after it.

Not sure how to spend my remaining points though. Should I use it on subzero shield, is it useful for pve at all? Or invest in ice pike or ice bolt?