Tree of Savior Forum

So, I think I'm leaving TOS

I really want to say my opinion about everything but I really dont want it because I know will be like a army of people defending this game no matter what, so, its useless.

But I know there’s people who know all the motives, in resume, I just think I’m too good for this company and I deserve better (Gonna try Overwatch)

662 hours of gameplay

Good luck for those who will stay, 4 months was my limit to know how the future will be

Thanks for everything (_ _)

(Sorry my english)


We should really start a goodbye megathread…


Aww… gonna miss you. Though the “LOL BYE THEN ^ ^” people will be showing up soon.

Just wish people would wake up and stop downplaying the serious problems this game has before it’s too late.


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how did you know it?

You can ignore haukinyau, he’s basically a vengeful hateful person who wants to watch Tree of Savior burn by telling everyone who is upset with the problems with this game to “quit and f*ck off” lol.


What can be said?
The game has problems.
I also put a lot of time in the game overall across 3 versions but at the same time this isn’t my main-game and I have no plan to make it so. The systems just don’t justify spending more then an hour or three a week on it, but thats my opinion.

When or if they’ll get fixed, nobody knows.

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I hope you find joy in adhd CoDmoba, suggested age 16 or less.

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4 months not a single lv280…

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“I’m too good for this company”.
t. 181.

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no one will read it and they will keep making “new” threads :expressionless:


I want that hairstyle Imali has with all your money and stuff

Peoples leave the game with long hours of playing properly they feel burned, not really those reasons they try to justify their quit.

I’m not defending the game, but you don’t need to be complicated for playing the game.

Take a break and comeback if there is any good news is what I can say.

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dont forget to leave a bad steam review

ToS is not for you, good bye and shut the door (ง ˘ω˘ )ว

Good luck dude!. /20char

Please don’t leave, we need you.

most and wet…like squirtle… me likey

@J.J.God Then again, u can just hang out in the forums… troll or whatever =p
Like that staff imposter