Tree of Savior Forum

So.... Guys there's any way that we can be heard? Something we can do?

Well I can’t deny, his idea about a “bring a friend system” which rewards players for getting friends to play, would boost a lot the playerbase.
it’s actually a very Nice Idea ‘-’

it is, its not rocket science n those uncles in their 40’s in imc office aint amateur…

and dont u curious why havent they done the “refer a friend” thingy?

le wild johnny “staph emberrassing urself bruh”

arushi, well, its internet, so its not the whites who set the rules whats rude n not.

its white because it is indeed , white in color.

dont go for politically-correct thingy…

having PLENTY of that because it reflects the real situation ingame…
we cannot just complain from thin air, imc has to give us the material to complain about~ lel

u knew that, no matter positive thread or negative thread, it can only get so much done.

so why dont start doing something u know for sure gonna help the game…

start writing guide already bruh… if u cant code for addon, u can still write guide, no?


Well to be fair he did literally played a game with average 80 player base, that’s hardcore whiteknight

Im not going to pursue that “white” comment any further. I personally dont care but there is people who do.

You’re right plenty of complaining does reflect the status of a game. Yeah it is poor. Lets take a step back and see what the others wrote. There was a post here that i liked.


Communicative Staff

Anti-Hacking Capabilities

These three things are the big ones that everyone agrees. Right now they are pursuing to make the game run better and it has gotten better (at least for me).

Communication I believe is probably the biggest BIGGEST issue. Its important to connect with your players base, read , understand, and offer healthy discussion on what they can do to make the game better.

Now the hacking i believe is something they have been ignoring and it is a concerning precedent. That is an issue that should be pursued more. (and RMT which is against any game terms of service in general).

I think your definition of white knight is skewed. I literally just said IMC NA is doing a bad job. If i was a white knight Id be blind to the things they did wrong. no?

i thought you said you’re not going to pursue “white” comment any further and personally dont care…?

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it is, congratulation to imc for doing what they supposed to do in first place, sounds right?

next, i should praise my toaster to be able to toast a toast.


I was referring to white people not White knights.


maymay got rekt~

may~ follow the conversation bruh~



Jeeeze talking about race now? Time to bail :sunglasses:


Stop memeing lol. You took it off context on purpose. Pleeeeaassseee.

Welcome to the forums, Ariyushi.


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@Ariyushi they wont =3=. They will distort, use any previous comment, idea, whatever to try to detour the topics.

It’s a waste of time and energy to bother with them, the missthepointhue and ragehue have too much free time and spend it here doing their stuff. Also their mindset is quite twisted.

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are we done with the color white yet?

back on trail folks~

train is leaving again! choo~ chooooo~

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never happen, til now

but they (whiteknights) have faith so strong it will be, some day, lel

Wew even the reddit sub is twisted with overwhelming negativity

Out of 30 comments is that the only one you can see? :sunglasses:

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I can post the 90% of the comments I liked. You on the other hand must have liked the one that rants just like the way you do in the forums.

Oh, and the OP from that thread is being naive.

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What was I saying~ hm?

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