Tree of Savior Forum

So.... Guys there's any way that we can be heard? Something we can do?

A hue knight may bash you (but they won’t for a simple like) - a white knight will gather an army to flag you so your account become muted.
For a white knight’s point of view, hue knights are poisonous, irrespective and some other bad/offensive stuff.

Telling you that as an external viewer who isn’t in any band, still the only ones who got mad and offensive with me are white knight, so yea, don’t be afraid of anything including hue knights they aren’t harmful.

So well put! Gotta agree with everything you said. :slight_smile:

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I admire your determination and wish you the best…

People will always try to put a label on you no matter what you do or how neutral you are…

I’m just me, myself and I.

Am happy to see am not the only one that uses that line :hugging: maybe the future isn’t that doom xD

keep moving forward with your own might :yum:

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Thanks Buddy =)
Good Luck to you as well =D

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Man whoever your partner is will be lucky for how patient you are. Your topic pretty much has the attention but imc just replied you with copy pasta message. Even with the bullshitry of IMC since CBT you still have faith in them.

Hmm well I do like your approach. There is someone more of a douch though. He just literally comments on other threads with search or google or just pure sarcasm instead of helping.

I wonder how long will it take for you to be broken by IMC but with your strong will I guess that’s less likely. +respect


I have seen many things and have heard many stories that made it difficult to sleep at night. And frankly, a video game company will never be on that list.

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haha so true;) so very true

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