Tree of Savior Forum

So.. anyone tell me what this is about?

Not quite sure what all happened, as I got d/c’d when it died. Poor thing lol.


Why that’s the fine butling city of Klaipeda my good lady.

I actually don’t know but I’m compelled to kill it.

Someone hack into the gm powers and summoned Jabba The Hutt.I must says the bots were an issue but now people are able to summon wtv they want in towns.This game is looking very bad IMC.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_No @STAFF_Amy

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Isn’t this Klaipeda though?

oops thanks fixed it

Honestly the shenanigans are quite amusing but I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to be going on.


Okay, now I have to log in. O.o To Klap I go.

Edit: I feel cheated it’s not there. XD


The oppressed event spirit was frustrated it was never used. So it let itself out.

TOS is actually a government project to develop a self updating, self aware AI system. That’s why updates are so slow. The system is not fully functional yet. But hearing the cries on the forums for events, the AI tried to create its own event.


look how fed the trolls got who blocked the warpstatue

now there is a cerberus running around in klap

the ■■■■ is quack doing

stupid hoglan u don’t make friends with those


Aww I must’ve just missed it. I was just in town XD

you didn’t miss much it was untargetable , it just walked around for a bit and then walked into the back of a house and poofed

Yeah unless the guy summoning it duels you, you can’t interact with the monster. He was letting people whack em earlier. Seemed to cause some d/c’s

<.<… AFKs in Klap.

Idk what’s going on but it makes my Sorcerer very jealous. I can’t even summon my barely visible crappy black fog devil in town.


I will forward this problem to our proper department for further review.

Thank you so much for reporting us.

Whut is going on here Oo

So this… wasn’t a GM messing around. That sounds like some really bad literary foreshadowing…

tos getting hacked? i dont see the shadow thing usually with a sorcerer summon