Tree of Savior Forum

❄ [Build Advice] Cryo3 Chrono3 ❄

Sup guys!

I was hoping if you could review my Skill Build.
Should I change something and why should I do it?

And what about Equipment Progression?
What should I farm/buy through levels?

Im running Full CON and I can get a skill reset later on if needed.

Thanks! :v:

Hi, man, sorry for my english.

My opinion:
Ice Bolt 3 for cast Ice Bolt 1 more faster.
Ice Pike 15 for better damage (so Gust 0 and Ice Wall 7).

This is really a quite popular support build.

• Skill build is fine.
• You could wear full plate set in armors (you don’t have to worry about this until 170 or 220 as quests rewards will provide you the sets through certain points).
• As of weapons, you could basically get any weapon especially those that adds HP or AoE ratio. Or you can get yourself an Audra for +2 Cryo skills. But it’s not really necessary as you are a support and wearing a shield is a must.
• Leveling your skill attributes especially on Ice Spike will help you a lot during lower levels.

Note that no matter how you level your Ice Spike and get as much magic damage you can, your damage will really fall off past Lvl 140. This class is extremely hard thus I recommend finding a party in doing your quests.

@kidsanity But the High lvl Equip would be like…
Roxona Set, Pentamion, ignition, sage wall, karacha dagger, audra…?

Audra for better frost pillars, snow rolling and ice walls. Max petamion is the best neck piece you can get. Roxana plate with wind runner if you want. Glass bracelets for the magic defense.

No need for Ignition. Burn proc is meh for non-Linkers, and useless for low int builds.

Burn’s damage is based on your INT, not magic attack. It’s good for Linkers because JP calculates magic attack instead of INT for the damage share. There’s also this weird thing where linked targets randomly get the burn debuff without even hitting them.

Yes. But Ignition isn’t really a necessary as you will just be wasting it because overall your DPS is gonna be awful, same goes for karacha dagger. Yes you can get Sage Wall for PvE but for PvP I suggest Aias.

@tampon @kidsanity Good info! thx guys! What about playing with mouse vs keyboard… I understand that mouse is better but sometimes it feels a little but sloppy when kiting, do you guys use wasd in battle or just for walking aroudn the map?

Idk anything about keyboard because I haven’t tried it. I prefer mouse mode because I can maneuver much better and I can also target quickly. But this is really much of your preference. Eventually you’ll get used to everything. lol

@kidsanity Yeah, I mean… I was so used to archer that when I switched to Wiz I looked like a 3 yr old playing lol just need time to adapt… (btw I play both with mouse, but they seem diferent… etc)

I play everything with mouse though. Lol

lol Havent played sword and cleric yet…

Im only lvl 40 on the Cryo but I can see the leveling speed diference between wiz and archer… Im starting to imagine what is gonna be like on 170+ lol =X

You’ll be a superstar in grinding when you reach chrono2. Remember this class is gonna be hard and requires the greatest length of patience the world will ever have. But trust me it’s worth it. This is one of the few builds in ToS that is viable in PvE, PvP, GvG and ET. I’m currently leveling my 63 linker now and still trying to bust my brain in an attempt to make an unorthodox build which is viable in everything too. xD

This is whats is gonna keep me motivated for sure! everybody tells me that! It will be hard, but will be worth!

Cryo 3 LVL. 105 here.

Literally is a pain, but… funny and worth. Everyone loves you for your skills.

For leveling tip: Just buy buffs, switch crafisun + arde and going to kill everything with autoattacks.

Im actually 150 int and is worth, now going full con.

Good luck to everyone!



oh I forgot to ask… What about gems?

( @kidsanity @tampon @paranoidkross @IndoX @marcosrocha.pu )

Cryo chrono is the easiest class to gear. Get defensive stats for headgear and you don’t need any gems whatsoever. The only thing you may need is Audra and everything else is optional.

In mouse mode you actually control your character with WASD and use the mouse for aiming.

Moving your char with the mouse is just for lazy moments when nothing important is happening on the screen…

However, you can even play with controller until at least lvl 200.

thanks guys! great info!