Tree of Savior Forum

Sleep and lethargy in high levels?

Any use at all?
Cause I’m planning to go r3 for the surespell, magic missile and quick cast, so that’s 20pts taken care out.

earthquake is crap, energy bolt gets overtaken fast, 15pts in it puts even with only cyro icebolt lv4
reflect shield i hear is pretty negligible.

leveling up, I just never cast sleep or lethargy and when it hits it doesn’t really provide me anything and I’m like “i should have just auto-attacked”

Max Sleep. It’s a very useful CC for high level content. Lethargy should be left at level 1 just for the + strike damage attribute.

Lethargy and sleep i use a lot (i’m wiz>pyro>link2>going chrono), though early leveling i never used them. They are both useful to partys, lethargy for the attribute and sleep for some cc. It’s nice when we pull a lot of mobs to sleep the ones that we aren’t attacking yet, especially archers and mages. If you have time for it in your rotation, it will help mitigate some damage and make things go faster. Swirdies will love you for lethergy. Plus energy bolt is annoying because it pushes back enemys and eq knocks them back and scatters them (and breaks my link D:).

Sleep is used a lot on my elemental and lvl 5 sleep is used a lot to set up burst with my pyro also. Really top notch skill max it.

Leth is for lvl 1 attribute, you will get asked a lot to cast it on bosses.

Max sleep, 1 in lethargy, energy bolt, and earthquake. From here it doesn’t really matter.
I’m hoping these skills will be buffed or see some better synergy so I’ve not spent anymore points. Not spending the points really doesn’t matter anyways. That’s just how little they scale right now.

If you can reach wiz3 with autoattack. Dont waste pts in energy bolt or quake. When you can use magic missile youll never use the other 2 anymore. Also save pts to max magic missile and quick cast when yoy reach wiz3. Also if you havent created the char. Pick orsha as inicial town (class upgrade quests are quicker and easier)

Earthquake 1 is awesome.

Lethargy 1 to buff swords and clerics on bosses mostly, Sleep 15 or as high as possible, very good in anything but bosses.

IMO energy bolt isnt THAT bad. I mean, yes it sucks but, it can be used as filling and , tbh, most wiz skills are useless exept for quick cast and magic missile.

Lethargy lvl 1 for atribute on bosses only.
Sleep > as many spare points you got, it can be useful mostly for survival.
(I would have maxed it but i spent 5 points on surespell which…I never ever again used ._. , but got it at lvl 12 and is nice)

After 1 energy bolt, 1 earthquake and maxing magic missle/quick cast…everything else is from bad to worse. I like to max reflect shield first (its numbers are minimal …but i feel it helps even if just a lil bit). Sleep is probably the most useful one in some situations (although you probably wont be using it during most of the game). Note that there’s an atribute that increases the damage of energy bolt on sleeping enemies. Yes energy bolt sucks but as i said before better than nothing when your other skills are on cooldown, so use sleep > energy bolt against those evil homing-autoattackers that hit hard as hell and have like 100000000 life.