Tree of Savior Forum

Skills and scaling

To sum it up, I believe all (or most) skills should have a proper scaling, based on stats, to prevent them from becoming less useful the more you advance.

Right now, only a few skills scale of stats and the majority keeps the same damage they had when you advanced classes before, so they end up dealing proportionally less damage to monsters as you go leveling up.
Therefore, instead of using a diverse combination of skills, which it seems to be what the game wants to promote, you just use the latest skills you got since they deal better damage, and the rest eventually end up on the background.

It also makes sense that the majority of swordman and archer skills should be based on their attack damage (probably STR for swordman and DEX for archers), not just on the skill level. I always found it funny, as an archer, to have Oblique Shot deal substantially different damage than my basic attacks, independently of the bow I’m using (while the skill is simply a normal attack which bounces).
And of course, the wiser the wizard/cleric, the stronger the magic (or so it should be).

With scaling, skills from low ranks could actually be on par (number-wise) with skills from higher ranks. Since I suppose you aren’t picking that class for a skill with high numbers, right? You are picking a class so you can do cool things with, to do some combos using skills from classes you got before, and create an unique character.

The class system in this game is so amazing, but I believe the lack of skill scaling is quite a hidrance to it.

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IT does and it is. Same with wizard and int. The only ones that don’t are Clerics, that’s why they are stated in the tooltip when they scale with any stat and at wat ratio. All the otheres go 1 to 1 with Attack damage and Magic Damage.

As far as I now, each point in STR or INT only gives +1 min and max flat damage to skills and normal attacks. Which doesn’t give a really good scaling to most skills, seeing it normally would give something like a 50-100 extra damage (I know a few skills actually scale directly of your stats, but it’s uncommmon).
I was thinking that the majority of skills should have a damage based on your stat. Either “150% STR” or perhaps each point in that stat would give a percentage increase on the skill damage, not flat, for instance, each 1 point in INT would increase your skills damage by 1%.
It would probably led to an easier time balancing things rather than giving flat damage here and there.

Tree of Savior is a game of small numbers. All cuz the main % bonuses comes from enhance, armor types, elements and other specific attributes.

Increase the flat stuff the way you want would only make endgame damages astronomical. (I REALLY don’t want another game with 9999 as standard…)

The attribute system is bad imho… limits your power based on your money… in-game pay2win

imo skills should use a simillar dmg formula as Dragon Nest, im not saying it should be as high, as an example:
Swordsmans Thrust lv 1 could be 80% of your characters atk +50 dmg, and level 5: 90% of characters atk +100 dmg.

just an example

It’s not p2w until you can buy them with cash… :smirk:

Well… the damage on your skills is limited to how much silver can you make during your playtime so… pretty much pay2win xD

I do agree with OP. The way skill is designed in ToS, made them fall off when you get to a new rank with better skills.

It made you goes between easy early game, or hard early game but good late game skills.

I’m not sure if this is intended, but I prefer a game where in late game, every skills have their own purpose.

I believe someone quoted a twitter or facebook reply by someone at IMC in a similar thread when queried about skill scaling relative to each rank. iirc, they said it’s intended so that people don’t have a whole bunch of skills to manage lategame.
Behold! Now building your characters is also Linear.

Well, time to hope for skill reset as cash item.