Tree of Savior Forum

Skill scrolls min-max price

Now, why is it that skill scrolls are treated with the same value whether they are lvl 15 or not. Because for non-token users the maximum price won’t let you make scrolls higher than lvl 8 cause else you’d make a loss. And lot’s of people tell me no need for personal trade, just put them up in the market…

I don’t think anyone use skill scrolls higher than level 5, they are soo expensive and not worth

Zelciai lvl 15 give -150 crit resistance is that still not worth it? Considering most mobs/bosses have less than 200 cirt resistance. It’s almost equal to improving your crit chance by 20%

I can tell you that at least for enchanters never make a scroll past lvl 1. It will never be worth it, the cost increase per level is insane.

Likewise don’t level scroll making past level 1, it’s not worth it at all.

I used to make lv 15 zalciai but the market its trash. Often, i found other people selling scrolls to such a low price to the point to where they were losing money but they didnt care, they just wanted to sell cheaper than me, skill scrolls prices are ridiculous but the problem its people selling them dont care, if they can win 1k they will not care waiting to sell the scroll number 100 to actually have that 1k profit.

IMO, skill scroll making its expensive and not profitable at all, people that had made a pardoner just to sell scrolls should respect themselfs a little more and instead of keeping giving away their scrolls for free, do the math and rise the prices so where we can justify the character slot, but since market its been like that for ages this will never happen, well well, at least i can use my pardoner for myself and my guildmates.