Tree of Savior Forum

Skill gems on accessories

:hi: :hi: :haha:

I want to propose to change skill gems to make them only able to be put on accessories. Each bracelet would be able to have one slot, and necklace two slots.

If this idea becomes real, i think that create a new system to upgrade the skill gems to make them able to reach lvl 5, giving a total bonus of +5 lvls on a skill, could be a good idea aswell. Players would have the option to have up to 4 skills maxed.

The system could be based on fuse skill gems of the same kind of skill plus another kind of materials (like vaivora upgrade system).

Players would have two options when they upgrade accessories with skill gems on them:

1st - Upgrade the accessories destroying the current skill gems on it by paying the current materials needed to do it and paying a low cost (silver) for it.

2nd - Upgrade the accessories keeping the skill gems on it by paying the current materials needed to do it and paying a high cost (silver) for it.

Another option could be to make players able to extract skill gems without being destroyed and lvl down… Like ichor system, giving them the posibility to adapt hibrid builds to different rolls.

I hope you like the idea!! :satisfaction:

Cheers :haha:

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skill gems to make them ONLY able to be put on accessories

That word is a huge problem. It is interesting for them to add Slots on the acessories as well, but ONLY on them is not feaseble, specially for support classes Like Priest, Diev, Kaba. Priest uses at least 5 Gems for max effect, Diev at least 2, Kabba at least 2. With 4 slots only, that would be a huge loss.

:hi: :hi: :haha: @feju.tescaro

I think that skill gems are not necesary to play a roll… they are convenient, not necessary.

Having this in mind, i think that its not a problem only have 4 sockets to put skill gems.

Moreover, i’ve added now on the main post the idea to create a new system to upgrade skill gems.

Anyway, ty for your contribution!!

I hope you like the idea!! :satisfaction:

Cheers :haha:

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well i don’t really like the idea of ​​adding more lvls to everything on vv ok but on equipment already i think it’s an exaggeration and the same goes for old gems but i think they could expand their use buffing green and yellow gems and creating new ones and on maximizing 4 skills I don’t think it’s so necessary as you can upgrade these skills in other ways such as a specific weapon or skill like heng stone


create a new system to upgrade the skill gems to make them able to reach lvl 5, giving a total bonus of +5 lvls on a skill

That sounds super broken haha

but honestly, just allowing accesories to also have skill gems would be enough, the whole gem system kinda needs a revamp of sorts anyways


:hi: :hi: :haha: @santwillian2 @IHadesI

I’m agree with you about that its not necessary as i told to @feju.tescaro

But still i think that it could be a good rework on skill gems and accessories, making them more usefull than now. As @santwillian2 said, currently there are some skills that can reach max lvl by using other skills that increase the lvl of other skills, which means that be able to have some skills (only 4) at max lvl, is not as broken (in my opinion) as @IHadesI says.

This would make some builds more viable giving the oportunity to paladins to put barriers permanently without need a dievdirbys, or increase the basic attack damage on SR builds by maxing limacon, lighning hands and enchant lightning, or etc. (for example)

It would become an strategic content on the game, giving players the posibility to have 4 skills maxed to improve their roll.

Its true that it will supose a little rework on some skills (like “revive” skill that would give 10 seconds of invencibility at lvl 10), but i repeat that i think that it could be a really good rework.

Also remember that players will need to invest on it and they wont have the skill gems upgraded to lvl 5 as sooner as you probably thought.

Ty for your contribution!!

I hope you like the idea!! :satisfaction:

Cheers :haha: