Tree of Savior Forum

Skill Distribution - Freezing sphere, Rain or Meteor?

I’m an EleLock Build. Wondering where should I put my remaining skill points for Ele3? Freezing sphere, Rain, Meteor, or Prominence?

Look man, you don’t go to wizard school for any other reason than to hurl Meteors over your enemies, friends and acquaintances’ heads.


For PvP Freezing Sphere quite nice, unless you encounter with missile hole.

to me Meteor is the best for both PvP and PvE.

Prominence is fine, it would help you about dps especially with huge target like boss. Anyway cd is quite long though.

Rain … completely useless…

one point in rain is enough to cast electrocute.

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This, specially aftre the 2 overheats thingy. (if we ever get it), meteor its also getting 2 OH (one day).

Also this.

Easiest solution: put 1 point into every skill (so you have more skills to use while others are on CD) and the rest into Stone Curse.

Stone Curse is by far the most useful of all skills left, level 6 will be enough to petrify normal monsters (up to 8) for 15 seconds.

  • PVE ( If you have wiz3)

  • PvP

  • no wiz3/RC-based

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Considering rain cooldown, i’d take 1 in freezing sphere instead.

So, something like this :
Electrocute 14
Hail 15
Meteor 10
Frost Cloud 5
Freezing Sphere 1

Yeah, are you truly mean that?

hail 15
1 in meteor


drop hail to 8, max freezing sphere, and put meteor to 5 at least.

Hmmmm truth be told, ele3 geared for pvp -no.
just go kino/cryo

I believe it will be more useful for someone who wants to juggle both pve/pvp
and not entirely focused on pvp as an ele3.

I skipped Rain, skipped stone curse, and skipped freezing Sphere.
Maxed meteor, hail, Electro to 14, put 1 in Prominence, Max Frost Cloud.
So far so good

Tonight, meteor can cast twice in a row… muahahahaha…

cryo ele is very fun in pvp, and is more suited for large fights since there are so many counters to raise in mass pvp.

Especially with electrocute and meteor having 2 OH now, ice wall + electrocute is a very dangerous combo.