Tree of Savior Forum

Simple anti-bot-silver-seller-RMT measure

The AH should automatically show the name of the seller. (apologies if this has been suggested before)
I would not buy from a bot… would you?
Having the name of seller in the market allows for people to see who is selling objects at outrageous prices, making it easier to find RMTs etc.
Anyway, thats it. Like it? Get on board. Hate it? Meh, at least I am making an effort lol.

At the addon manager you can find that, i would guess IMC would implement it later on.

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This needs to be implemented by IMC - better to be team name than character name, or have both character and team name listed as the seller.

What else can you do when

  • they offer the cheapest price sales
  • they are the only one selling certain items
  • selling things at outrageous price is not a sin unless really is RMT
  • no proof/false accusation/troll player
  • the report function do no ■■■■
  • cant tell who are bots cuz some have readable teamname like Richardson/Bratton/Johnson

When you see a bot with a "readable"name that is most likely a real player using an add-on which allows them to farm gold/items while they are offline. Most bots have what I call non-names like qdbu3gd - we can surely avoid those?
How do you know that bots offer the cheapest prices and are the only ones selling certain items? Currently you can not see sellers names in AH.
Genuine players selling things at outrageous prices to genuine players may not be a sin, but it certainly sucks and only adds to the need that some may have to buy silver from bots. Its funny isnt it? I bet those genuine players selling things at outrageous prices are complaining about bots too.

Will reiterate - I would not buy from a bot.

Those few names like Bratton or something are still botting in several places including Tenet Church 1F. Mostly operate in Telsiai. They dont seem to be using hack attack/movement but for sure they are script bots with autopot. They don’t seem to be particularly interested in Galok, purely wiping any mobs they encountered to collect silver. Their real aim is either collect silver for personal use or ‘buy items in market’ for silver transfer/sell silver aka RMT.

I’ll just copy what I wrote in another thread about RMT

Now what you are suggesting is “catch/discriminate people with unreadable names” because they are surely cheaters. While people with unreadable names have high chance of being a botter, this is purely baseless assumption. There is simply no need for them(botters) to sell anything because they already got silvers from killing mobs. In fact, selling items reveals their identity. Some items are sold in ridiculous quantity in low price, mostly observed in junk material sales. We can almost assume they are cheaters but assumptions are still assumptions. The Gm couldve just checked those highly suspicious items but…meh they wont.

Outrageous price doesnt force players to buy an item. Its the demand that makes it expensive. I believe you might have some misunderstanding in the RMT process. The chance of a normal player buying silver transfer items is low because popular item price are stablized at a certain range. Price are stabilize at a range because that is the ‘player acceptable price range’. That means for RMT to work(especially when involving large sum), the silver buyer will have to sell something uncommon or rarely sold on the market. (uncommon items/rarely sold items dont have a fixed price range, so they can be sold up to 1mil each.) The silver seller will then buy the items. Nobody is stupid enough to put a 8mil worth equipment into the market for a 8mil RMT transfer.

What can you do if you know the seller’s name? Harass them? From what it seems, you are blaming the price range of certain items to be too high, ‘forcing’ players to buy silver. I’d say this is more of the act of naughty players/stupid players that buy ridiculous priced items causing the price range to increase. Doing that is certainly not considered illegal. Here we see 2 different things. The first one is price range prevented item price skyrocketing for popular items and made RMT difficult. On the other hand, if the price somehow skyrocketted for some ‘not so popular’ items, it becomes a messy situation. You cant simply remove this price range system because RMT will surely become uncontrollable. We all hate restrictions so adding more restrictions to the current mess is just making things more troublesome. Instead of messing with the trades, I’d say IMc should work on getting an anti-cheat system.

You have to consider some points, at mid/high levels, you are bound to use lots of pots, HP and SP, except Cleric tree builds which get some healing output, but still, depending on how intense they spam skills during a dungeon/mission, they waste lots of SP, which comes down to be the most expensive type of pot.

Another classes (not counting FF since it have some self-healing) waste both pots so the expenses are higher, and i am not even counting the repair fees at Lv 220+ gear.

Also gear wise, many good stuff are hell expensive, the prices increased even more in some of them (Battle Brac for example).

The way the game is right now, is almost in a terminal state patient, trying to hang in there with all this decease or better, cancer (bots and macro scriptwriters).

At this point, i would accept a wipe but only after they (IMC) get their shi.t together. But this is another subject for a special case so lets leave at this.

There is no fail proof anti-bot/RMT system, the only way to that happen, is the scrubs stop buying silver/items/Plvl from them. But that is something i highly doubt will happen.

Since the end of the first month, they said they where gathering data for their so called intelligent anti-bot/hack system, after that, they said they where negotiating with Valve to implement Steam VAC, we are already in October and no sigh of both things being implemented or worked on.

Don’t get me wrong, i like the game and the concept they presented last year after the second iCBT during an interview, but so far, IMC is lagging behind in all that was planned and don’t pay attention to the players suggestions (and i mean since the first iCBT).

It’s a small company? Yes it is, but if you will tackle a big project like this, before even going in release or Obts, even if some publisher force things up (cough cough KR Nexon), if i was in their shoes, i would refuse right away.

If i want my game a success, first fix the stuff that is needed, then try it out in CBTs to polish the idea.

Alright, enough of my blabbering.

On to the next thread…

Just here to drop a link. *Flies away *