Tree of Savior Forum

Silver drop amount too low

After having played both kToS, an iToS since the closed betas and nearly every day of early access till today, I think it’s time to address a huge issue.

Silver drops.

The game is very RMT friendly. Power comes from silver. Attributes costs millions, they are not a luxury but a necessity. Upgrading costs millions, awakening costs money, the silver sinks are insane, and that’s fine.

But there is a problem here. Everything costs a lot, but our silver gain is minimal?

For example, in kToS, players do the 130 dungeon everyday, a lot do it solo. Why is that? They have 5 dungeon runs a day, and the 130 dungeon nets them around 250k! That means an average player can earn 1.2m a day through the 130 dungeon because they have 5 runs.

HOWEVER, in iToS, if you run the 130 dungeon, you get less than 60k a run, and you only get 3 runs IF you’re using a token. What does that mean? At most you can make 180-200k everyday from the 130 dungeon.

Why is that? Attributes cost the same between iToS and kToS. It’s near impossible for most players to reach high level attributes (80-90+) for mid-high ranked classes.

What’s even more silly is our item costs in the market are identical to kToS but we have lower silver drop rate! Why is that? Because MANY players are RMTing and botting. I don’t blame them either, our silver drop amount/rate is set too low.

Do you know what high level players do? They go back to demon prison, a level 150 place, to grind money. This should not be the case. You know what most everyone else does? They just RMT or bot. We should not have a reason to RMT or bot.

IMC, please make silver drops equivalent between kToS and iToS, or change attribute costs/upgrade costs/etc to match our silver drop amount. This is inexcusable.



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No, that’s just how much silver should be dropped. It costs 60m plus to get attributes up, the game should be dropping that much silver.

For the average player on our version, they could never hope for it and can only RMT/Bot, or with certain classes, they can do Demon prison grinding for money, which should not be an option at level 280.

Perhaps its a bug, or maybe IMC never set the silver multiplier for our servers?

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Honestly I like how ToS is set up. A lot of money sinks that keep the value of silver stable. It’s all designed so you can play for several months before being able to afford everything.

Also if there are kToS buffs, we get them eventually too.

Well they aren’t kToS buffs, that’s how it was since day 1 for them.

Let’s take kToS as an example.

Pole of Agony attribute, level 0-100 costs 86,671,581 silver. That is just one attribute. Most players need to level 4+ attributes.

In kToS they can earn 1.2m daily with the 130 dungeon, that means it will take 2-3 months to reach even level 80-90 attributes through doing dailies. Even if we had the same drop rate, we’d be at 3 runs, only 750k a day to begin with.

You can only imagine how long it will take us as it is now.

Money sinks are fine, it should take several months, not years. RMT/botting shouldn’t be encouraged.


:thumbsup: Agree with that


Hmm I’m kinda split on this.

Obviously the large amount of silver sinks “motivates” people to buy silver illegally.

On the other hand, without these silver sinks, there would be silver inflation, causing all the rare items on the market to get a lot more expensive.

I dont play Hardcore, and I like to have many alts…
But I dont know how I should pay for all of them. There is equip, and uprades and Attributes (Attributes in particular)

Having just 3 dungeons is kinda meh, too… I really Like the dungeon system… And I have the most fun playing there with random People and just being usefull for/in grouplay :smiley:
(but thats a different issue on it’s own)

I wondered wether it is just my imagination or the silver rate was really lower compared to CBT/Ktos…
Seems like its really like it :frowning:

Yet as it is, somehow, items are starting to cost the same amount as in kToS, but we earn less silver?

Rare items will always be expensive, it won’t get more expensive because people earn more silver, it’ll only be relatively priced. Not only that, rare items aren’t insanely highly priced as is.

But do you know what will change? Overall player power. Players will be able to afford attributes and enhancing/upgrading, and rerolling cubes more often.

Combine it with low spawn rates, pet afkers, bots, dc’s,no latest patches, RMT’s and other issues… ughrrr… its too painful to play in our server…

Come on IMC, where is your so called “Motivate”? , is it your intention to push us away and get us demotivated? or milk the players before ToS sinks?

You need to step up IMC, we’re getting far behind of KToS.
To the topic, I agree, we need an increase of silver right this moment.

Money making in this game is ■■■■■■■ painfull and, most of the times, are RNG dependant.

Grinding for silver usually isn’t worth it because the monsters drop too little silver and grinding for rare equips isn’t worth either because it’s going to take you about 5k kills for a rare drop(like Sage Wall recipe) and even then it’s only worth 2 - 3 M silver(in Silute anyways).

Greetings Saviors!!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I really appreciate your support and suggestion regardind to this issue. :relieved:

Your Faithfully, STAFF_MAX


from my point of view, it doesn matter how much the silver drop, if increase, RMT sell it at cheaper price, player still buy, what for u grind 10m per hour while bot sell 100m at $1? ppl still buying from RMT. even if u increase to 100m per hour, rmt sell 1b $1, ppl still goes back to RMT. plus if silver was easier, INFLATION. everything raises in prices.

Not entirely true.

If silver drops are higher (just enough so to match kToS), then attributes are more affordable.

Yes RMT prices will be cheaper, but you have less of a reason to RMT if it’s simple enough to do a daily and get your attributes up at a reasonable time. People weigh cost vs risk. If it costs less money/time to do something, you don’t really want to risk it.

You can’t stop RMT, but you can most definitely mitigate it. By giving less reason to RMT, you’re most definitely mitigating it.

As to inflation, there’s not enough silver drops as is to warrant any major or even minor inflation if we match kToS servers. We can worry about that when people have nothing to spend silver on (there’s way more than enough money sinks as is).


Thanks for the reply. Hopefully you can forward this to the devs, and hopefully it gets in before the servers are re-opened to players. It’s a huge turn off when you realize just how much money you need.

For those worried about inflation:

  1. It costs around 60-90m to get 1 attribute up to 100, you probably have several.

  2. It costs around 20-30k to repair your average 280 gear at a cheap squire, however lolopanther gear costs 10k+ a piece at the cheapest squire.

  3. It costs a lot to upkeep your daily needs of pots/etc. Usually mitigated through the general grind, but at 280, you don’t grind.

  4. It costs 20m+ to upgrade your armor+wep to +15, which is something you should strive for eventually.

  5. Once transcendancy hits, your going to need millions to reroll cubes, and if your not rerolling cubes your spending thousands crafting blessed stones.

It’s not feasible to achieve these amounts of silver unless you:

  1. RMT.

  2. Join a top guild, do world bossing all day every day, and even then you won’t reach it, especially with the world bossing nerf.


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Yeah they need to fix game breaking issues, but that doesn’t mean you should forsake players and the economy while your doing it. It’s not so difficult to copy the silver modifiers over, it’s proven that it’s not when people opened the GM window and saw a section for modifying map exp/drop/silver. It’ll take some time, but it’s not something as difficult as optimization.

The 3 dungeon runs a day isn’t really a big deal either, its just silver drop rate.

I don’t think they had an overwhelming projected population, they had to add servers for different regions, they had to add a queue system as the game went on, they had to add more servers, they under projected.

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dont raise the silver drop rate, bots will take advantage and lets quit

@cryotekno I’m not all awared of the whole situation of ToS. But what you are saying makes no sense. People are playing this game because they like it. If silver drop and such would get fixed, a bit more people would appeal to the game. The bots then aren’t a problem anymore, because more people are coming back, the bots get more reports and are getting banned faster, don’t you agree?

@flamestorm364 if the bot reporting system works like wonder i’m 100% agree with you brah, but in reality the most annoying bots never get banned :(.

in this meantime i think increasing silver drop rate only beneficial for some group of ppl, just my opinion tho XD