Tree of Savior Forum

Silute [SA] Server needs an emergency maintenance ASAP

Characters stuck in some maps, can´t take or retrieve quests, npc response delay ( like 10-15 seconds ) , can´t connect to server without VPN (wtfast, pingzapper). So please, @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ethan, we are facing this problem since may 5th, five days later there is no solution at all. This is the worst way to receive new players so PLEASE, inform to your superiors about the situation that silute server is facing.


Yes!!, Please, Do something about it ! Enter in the server is extremely difficult, It is hard to start playing… :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

The game has great potential , without these problems , a success!!:sweat_smile::grin:

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if VPN can solve your issues, that means the problem is not at the server, it is the ISP routing issue or Packet lost in delivery… :cold_sweat:

the problem has been explained multiple times, it’s something about amazon data center. IMC needs to check that.

but how a VPN help if the problem at the Data Center :pensive:
VPN is just helping in reroute based on their DNS in the end into Amazon Data Center too, how VPN can play smooth while others can’t?

That is a good point… but we, customers, have no way to raise a complaint with large ISPs for border routing problem (like Global Crossing/Level3, Telecom/Telefonica Global)

But the problem is not coming from only 1 country, a lot form argentina, chile, colombia have this issue with the same patern and diferent isp, we cant reach some ip’s, trace dead in the mid.

Someone should mail IMC to their urgent issues email address: or

Oh, just missed this post: Silute Server Instability - May 10th, 2016

Greetings Saviors!

We will be tweaking a few settings in order to deal with instability issues on the [SA] Silute server.

Access to certain zones or movement between zones may temporarily be affected for a short while due to the tweaking.

We will make another announcement once we have stabilized access to the server.

As always, thank you for your continued support, love and enthusiasm for Tree of Savior.

IMC Staff

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Finally :joy: , hope they fix the issues.

“We will be tweaking a few settings in order to deal with instability issues on the [SA] Silute server.”

They will lower spawn rates to get rid of the lag :sunglasses:

and they will lower the rates. The exp bar was lagging the server :joy:

They just locked out some regions (like Tenet Church B1), so if you had any characters there, like I did, tough luck.

I’m stuck in Altar way

Why did I make a joke :expressionless:

If u keep changing maps you’ll eventually hit one that is blocked.

They didn’t fix ■■■■ so far.

The biggest problem is their silence, a simple “We are still working on it.” would be nice.
New company, has a lot to learn…

I think we should “invade” other servers and keep asking for our server, this way if they aren’t hearing us, they would hear NA players complaining about it.


All channels of Forest of Prayers in [SA] Silute are DOWN! My characther is stuck there. Family name: Angus

Yeah, mine are stuck there too since 2 days ago.

Me too, ■■■■ this game really. Silute started with a nice ping, then days later the lag started to become unbearable and they did NOTHING to fix it. (Many friends couldn’t even CONNECT to the game)

Then F2P came, and they put the last nail in the server’s coffin :wink:

The chanels in teneth church 1f are dead too, can’t take my character off =\