Tree of Savior Forum

Silute or telsiai most populated?

I dont lag on either of them, I’m a returning player from when the game first started, made a new char on telsiai, asked around a bit, couple of players there told me it was low population, anyone here have an idea?

SA (Silute) is the biggest, NA (Klai) and SEA(Tels) has almost equivalent population. Its baffling how you wont lag in both Tels and Silute despite the Geographical differences. Maybe log on to the Servers during their peak time properly assess the condition.

What they prolly meant was this period is a dry-content-update spell from IMC for the past couple of months, therefore many players went hiatus or reduced their total commitment in the game till the big patch arrives

I made a char on telsiai, after talking a bit around on silute i came to know it will be hard to communicate on silute due to language difference, so started in telsiai, seems populated enough even at lowlvls, I guess must be easier to find dungeons at high lvls

I would say majority of the playerbase is at the end. Do join a guild, where you can pick up the basics and accelerate the leveling/learning process. Being Kirito will definitely not be rewarding , and do look out for shouts for Guild Recruitment.

Also, doing the main quests near your level range ( even -30 levels )is the fastest way to level now as compared to clearing the daily dungeons

Telsiai server is located at Singapore so if your ping to SG is good, playing on Telsiai is better. For dungeon, most ppl do dungeon 330. Sometimes there are ppl on lower level dungeon but not often. You gotta do quests until lv330 to do dungeon :smiley:

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