Tree of Savior Forum

[Silute] Macro Bot Report - Irredian Shelter

  • Server : Silute

  • Team Name : BurNNinG (ch2) / Laycan (ch3)

  • Location : Irredian Shelter

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : Every Night ~10PM - 08AM / sometimes during day too

  • Evidence: Visit Irredian Shelter at night and you will see both Macro/Bot farming with SR and using barracks. They are always at channel 2 and 3. BurNNinG in channel 2 and Laycan in channel 3. Same exact pathing, teleport to barrack, buff, and farm repeating forever. No answer, even if Ksing his farm. Macro for sure, please take a look.

Hello @pumputis,

It would help us a lot if you could provide a video of the reported player to help us further in our investigation.