Tree of Savior Forum

Silly and simple questions about CryoChrono build

Hello y’all! I’m currently struggling to decide where to allocate some of the Cryo skill points. The questions are:

1 - Should I max SubShield?

2 - Should I max Ice Pike or Ice Wall (or get a ballance between them)?

I love SubShield and I find Ice Walls really useful, but most of builds that I see (and comments) state that Ice Pike is the core of damage and leveling on this build. But since I’m sticking to support, I don’t think Ice Pike should be thaaaaaaat important that would take points from Ice Wall or SubShield. Should I max Ice Wall and Sub Shield and stay with Ice Pike on lv8?

Cryo three reporting!

Subzero Shield has given me some much-needed defense, as I’ve been doing most of the content solo up until now (level 90 as of this writing). I have it at level 8, IIRC. I’m also rolling Ice Rod, which helps a bit.

Honestly, Lethargy should have you covered for a while, but Subzero Shield help you deal with ranged physical damage.

I have Ice Pike at level 5, and the damage output is more than sufficient. Ice Wall does a TON more damage, it’s cooldown is the only problem. If you hit a boss with each tile, that should take most of it’s health.

For mobs, you can combo them into more Ice Wall tiles by using EarthQuake.

Also, put one point into Gust.

In short, Ice Wall > Ice Pike

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I think much like you. But my concerns are for like lv 250+. Also I like SubShield due to it’s counter attack damage.

Why should I use Gust?

P.s.: I do boss with Ice Wall only most of time.

Gust is useless, max shield and wall only, pike dmg is sux and useless in high lvl maps.

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Max shield and wall for utility in PvP and some defensive maneuvers in PvE. Ice Pike damage falls off hard at higher levels and you’re not a DPS anyway.

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Gust is fantastic. The attribute (Collision Damage) deals 50% magic damage per hit, hits unfrozen enemies twice and frozen enemies three times. It does 150% magic damage on frozen enemies. It also does an extra hit if any of those enemies happen to collide with eachother. This usually only happens if one of those targets is unfrozen, since it doesn’t knockback frozen enemies. Two unfrozen enemies will remain parallel while pushed back, never colliding.

This synergizes amazingly with Ice Pillar, as Ice Pillar has a random chance to freeze enemies across its duration. Turn your Ice Pillar into an Ice Blender.

You can also push enemies into more tiles of Ice Wall, especially if you throw them on top of ice wall with Earthquake.

My one point in Gust does at least as much damage as my 10 points in Ice Blast.

You will never use this skill for dmg in high lvl maps, also you will want so bad keep your targets freeze, trust me :grinning:

… I don’t know if anyone should trust you if you’ve put 10 points in Ice Blast.

I never said Ice Blast was good.

1 - Yes max Subzero. It will save your ass countless times at higher levels.

2 - Ice Pike + Ice wall @ 8 is sufficient. Dont forget there’s a weapon made for cryos. gives +2 to all skills.

3 - As a sidenote, as you say, you’re not really going for damage, keep your ice bolt at level 2.

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Thanks for the info <3

Leave Ice Pike at a lower level and get a higher level of Ice Bolt so you can drop it faster. Similar to why one would increase Energy Bolt’s level, you don’t increase Ice Bolt for more damage, you increase its level so you can cast Lv1 Ice Bolt faster.

In which case a lvl2 ice bolt is enough. it takes 1s to cast regardless of levels so dropping more into it doesnt help that much.

On top of that most cryos run Audra. So it’s a +4 ice bolt.


Interesting, but isn’t high level Ice Bolt more focused on PVP? I mean, high level Ice Pike would be great for pve and solo grinding, but high level Ice Bolt doesn’t seem to provide that much benefit in pve. Unless it becomes necessary at late game content. Also with Audra it will rise 2 levels anyway. Maybe with future content and ranks Audra becomes obsolete, but right now I’m not feeling the need to have a high leveled Ice Bolt yet.