Tree of Savior Forum

Shrink Body is worth?

Should i invest some points there ( Thauma2) or put in transpose?

(i have reversi,sweel body,left and right arm)


That’s not the attribute…hmmm…

Last time I was able to test, Shrink Body almost doubled the damage of my Corsair attacks, not sure if it’s related to any attribute.

There an attribute that as long you have swell left arm (attribute on swell left arm) you do 120% damage bonus(220%) on shrink target (Swell/Shrink can’t be accumulated as they cancel each other and can’t be cast on boss)
Unless you making a link2-thaum2-ff2 (in that case max swell body)
Shrink body is incredibly powerful (But small close aoe with target limit)

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Oh, so I was looking at the wrong skill for the attribute. Thanks.


Here’s the correct one:

yeah cuz no point to shrink when u want double loot ;=;

Shrink Body is practical for leveling and farming because you destroy all affected mobs with the attributes.
First of all, they get damage by an attribute once you shrink them (effectively giving you another attack skill in the form of Shrink Body).

Then there’s the attribute that reduces both attack and defence of the target by up to 75% in exchange for increased movement speed. Also, shrunken targets count as smaller monsters, so they have their AoE defence ratio decreased accordingly.

Last but not least there’s the aforementioned Swell Left Arm attribute that boosts damage on shrunken enemies by up to 120%[= 2,2 times the normal damage].

I’ve settled my Thauma at level 2 Swell Body and level 10 Shrink Body to make best use of the shrinking for maximum damage output.

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what is your build? Thaumaturge is not a class that stands on its own. Transpose is a defensive skill meant to give you con if you are going full int.

If you whant fight utility, shrink is really good.
If you are aiming for a farm build (Like Link2-thaum2-ff2) then it better to get swell body max.

Thaum is really strong since the balance patch.
Personally, this is my own build. I just made this whole guide because I really wanted to share it.
But sadly, it don’t use shrink/swell body that much.
It a kinda special thaum build.

or offensive if you are full CON like my Thaumaturge xD

Thauma2, I assume you are FF farmer so Swell for you.
But if you are pyro2thauma3warlock2 like me offensive thauma then shrink is better.

Does Swell Body double exp gain? If so, does Shrink Body reduce exp gain?

shrink body doesnt reduce exp,

use this to check

does Shrink Body work on bosses? so that i could use Telekenesis?

No it does not. Would be funny and pretty broken if it did though