Tree of Savior Forum

Show your artwork! ...plz?

@GiLreiN Really nice work!
I think sculpting is really hard so it’s impressive the amount of details in your piece! (Not to mention it looks not that big, making it a lot harder to do such details like the shoe laces and the belt buckle, for example)

I’ve been willing to sculpt for a long time, even bought some clay, but it’s so freaking hard. Can’t do it for my life!

@AcidFiend Thank you! :relaxed: Actually, it’s not that small as it seems to be. The size is about 8 or 9 cm… But in my opinion it’s a good size for a stattuette (However, if someone asks me to make it smaller, I’ll definitely do it) :grinning:
I understand you perfectly - sculpting process requires some patience! But I think if you try again and again, without giving up, you’ll succeed. :bouquet:

I’m giddy! Well, if not. I’ll be glad to commission you, one day. QwQ

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Hnnnnngh such talent, much wow! :heart_eyes:

Here’s a few of my recent ones:

2D from Gorillaz

Red from the game Transistor

Random doodle

Work in Progress


omg I never saw your reply, I’m flattered! Thanks so much! ; A ;

Talent is talent, I like the proportions of the body which I can be critical on.

Let’s see if that skill translate into the game :wink:

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Hahaha! I’m flattered. I’m really bad with perspective and foreshortening.

Much worse in game :'D I’ll try my best! Mebbe I’ll bump into you one of these days, (in game!) :blush:

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That’s okay, I’m not much better either. But shh, that can be our little secret!

And it’s decided - I’ll be seeing your artsy self in-game through the power of coincidental bumping. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Here’s to my pent-up hype

A Peltasta in the works! Belongs to the guy who made it possible for me to play last iCBT1 :blush:

will draw for a spare beta key (for my friend) ** shameless plug


I need to upload some more finished stuff, but I usually upload in progress shots to my Instagram and will eventually be uploading my finished stuff to my Behance account.
I am trying to upload pictures into this post, but it seems to be stuck on “uploading 100%” infinitely. x_x

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I can’t wait to see the finished pic ;o;

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I’m so excited!! Here’s a work in progress monk (might not finish it though heh).

My blog --> 8)!



wow, for some reason that artwork just hit me XD maybe it’s because it’s a monk as well =p

Anyways, very nice artwork, your cg and everyone else cg makes me envy. It’s why I am stop complaining to myself that I can’t shade or color my drawings and just do it regardless of the results. Fear of failure or poor results is always a hard wall to break down until you change your mindset and have patient.

I love all your artwork ! :heart_eyes:
Here are a few if mine~



Skilled and adorable! Has a chibi style to it, and that’s always a great thing. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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@nirha That shading is stellar. @shvrizard I like the different forms you display in each one, amazing.

I can’t finish anything ;_; sobs

//drowns in hype feels

another wip sob



There, there, you’ve nothing to sad about, it’s coming along nicely!

Here, you can borrow my super comforting pillow. Great for clinging onto when the hype overloads. -pats gently on the head-

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Try doing TOS fanart this time… W.I.P!

Thaumaturge :I