Tree of Savior Forum

Should I make a new a sorcerer or not?

So, in light of the recent buffs to all summon chars in KTOS, I kind of want to try Sorcerer out. Currently, I have a wizard 3 Linker 2 (level 170) I was thinking of making that char into a Sorcerer 3.
However, I don’t if that build is decent or good at all. So, my question is can that build work or should I just make a new char and build properly into sorcerer? Also, if the 2nd option is whats recommended what would be the “meta” or really good build path for a sorcerer 3?

If your build isn’t SPR then anything you do will be pointless on a Sorc.

If you can, I don’t see a problem with the current char being used, but make sure you want to do that with the current char.

I used the stat reset before the event ended and haven’t touched it since. However, I read that SPR builds are not that great though because it drains SPR by % and not a flat amount. So, idk if this is still true or not. Also, with the new buffs coming out, wouldn’t int be better since the mob will now scale off of int and matk?

You need to get more updated, Sorc summon don’t consume SP anymore, neither when riding, except the initial cost to cast the skills.

I do think they use SP from the summons special skills (when riding) tho.

Also, all summons receive damage from SPR now (not sure if bokor is bugged or not in that part tho).

Just to make sure I will take a look in the new updates, but they just changed the way summons work with SPR and now they will put it back into INT is a pretty dumb move imo.

Update: It seem that is only affected by the WEAPON matt and by a small percentage…

So SPR still the thing for the summons.

Actually summoning still drains your Sp, but it’s not a % anymore, and u just don’t realize that because of your high Sp regeneration with a full SPR build or even 1:1 with INT its already great for regen.


In all honesty, I would still prefer go SPR route, I can always get matt from gear by enhancing it and adding blue gems.

For example, I have a Cryo 3 Sorc RC (well probably have to level again to reach R6 if they roll back lol) and my staff is not even enhanced, a purple one from HG, and I can cause some decent damage with cryo skills, so if I actually enhance that thing to +8 or more it would kill almost instantly anything around my level.

At end game you will find yourself grinding more to upgrade gear than actually doing something really meaningful (it’s my opinion about fun in games tho).

Sorc Summon still drains SP but now at a set small amount instead of a % and more importantly, it no longer stops your SP regen.

An SPR Sorc easily out-regens the drain (and easily outregens spamming all your skills non-stop for the most part, too, unless you spam EVERYTHING nonstop for like, 10 minutes straight, in which case all you have to do is like, sit down for 5 seconds and you’re back in business for nonstop spamming again)

no dont play sorcerer i want to be the only one wh oplays it thx


FeelsBadMan when I’m going to make this char into sorcerer :disappointed_relieved:

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I don’t recommend it. Wizard 3 does very little for your build, and it makes the whole thing inefficient. Unless you don’t mind being a joint penalty + magic missile one trick pony with a summon in the back, I think you should consider making a new chara for sorc.

At least if you restart now, you won’t have regrets later down the road when you realize you’ve invested so much in a character that does poorly in comparison to better sorc builds.

But a reset voucher is bound to come to us sooner or later, so you can stick it out I guess…

Can you pass me the link as a novelty of buff ktos?

Either wait for these changes to go live or accept that you will get IMC’d.

imo u should make new character, wiz 3 is not so good for sorc 3 ;/ go for cryo 3 pyro 3 or some link/thauma/pyro mix like pyro2thauma2sorc3 :slight_smile:

still u neeed at last minimum 175 SPR dont invest less cuz u will regreat it :slight_smile:

Alright then which would be better for Sorcerer 3 ?

Wiz 1 pyro 3 Sorc 3? or like
Wiz 1 pyro 2 thaum 1 sorc 3?

i play imo wiz c1>pyro c2>thaum c1>sorc c2>feather c2 ( build from tk magnus )

really good build :smile_cat: you can solo stuff and you dont need sp potions and hp potions ( guide says 2:1 int:spr but with the update i go better for 150 int and with remaining points all-in spr ) :nerd:


I don’t recommend it. Wizard 3 does very little for your build, and it makes the whole thing inefficient. Unless you don’t mind being a joint penalty + magic missile one trick pony with a summon in the back, I think you should consider making a new chara for sorc.
At least if you restart now, you won’t have regrets later down the road when you realize you’ve invested so much in a character that does poorly in comparison to better sorc builds.
But a reset voucher is bound to come to us sooner or later, so you can stick it out I guess…

Listen to this guys, he is the senpai in the Sorc Megathread.

and I second his opinion. Too much uncertainty. Just wait for the path to settle down. Reset potion does not come often right?

I think they’d both work.

For the first build, you can take Sage for R8 and for the second build, I recommend going ahead and taking thaum2 (sage could work too, but thaum prob offers more).

Personally, I’d choose the Wiz1>Pyro2>Thaum2>Sorc3 because it gives you a supportive role that makes parties want you (it’s sometimes hard to explain why a sorc is useful to a party lol). Swell Arm with Shrink Body is pretty good if you can mob up enemies.

Does Wiz 1 Cryo Sorc work? My friend is going wiz 1 pyro 2 thaum 2 sorc 3

If the cryo build works should I go cryo 3 or cryo 2 thaum 2?

Go cryo 3 :slight_smile:

But I dont know if Thaum1 is worth it at that point, especially if your friend is already thaum.

i don’t recommend cryo but with the upcoming changes you can go cryo for pet support and player support and your pet will do the dmg ( because summon will do a lot of damage :relieved: )