Tree of Savior Forum

Should I go thauma 2?

Hi guys!

I’m pyro2-linker2-thauma1 and initially i planned to be thauma2 for good synergy but now that i leveled up my char i’m in doubt about my next choice and want the opinion of more experienced players since im only getting my first rank 7 now.

atm the build is great and i dont have any problems, i got thauma mainly to swell mobs for 2x silver/mats/exp and with thauma2 the only benefit i can see is being able to swell 3 more mobs, but until now the majority of maps have mobs grouped in groups of 5 (dungeon/HG/normal maps) so i want to ask:

  1. pyro3 gives me 5 more fireball hits, it would add more damage for me than Swell left+right arms? (atm i gain like 200 matk only with swell left arm)
  2. There are other reasons for you to pick thauma2?
  3. i’m lvl 230±, maps from now on have a higher density? (to justify the swell body, since right now i rarely link more than 5-6)

Thank you!

farmer type focus or dps? actually what is your end product.

thau are normally going for farmer type focus with thau 2/3 > sage for safety due to the fact you can eat up magic / projectile with missile hole.

Thau is still a extremely good class in farming for dungeons and mats.

I know thauma is good for farming but right now (from the experience so far) i dont see benefit in going thauma2 even for farming,
sage i will pick for sure, but i was thinking if adding pyro3 or other will add more to the final build (i do general pve and the farming for me is a bonus since atm thauma makes it easy for me to craft and get mats)

The thing is, if i want to go more to a dps way would pyro3 make difference, because hellbreath for me is meh and the main benefit i see is 5 more fireball hits

Go link 3 and you will deal more linked damage to bosses.

pyro 3 wont necessarily increase your damage, with sage your combo will be cast fireball twice, dupe them, link them, knot them.

In this case each fireball with hit 5 times before link brakes but if you go link3 each fireball with hit 8 times before link brakes. Which almost increases your burst by %40.

thau2 is you get 8target swell body same as join penalty

swell right arm is good when u need def or give someone def (when using shield)

swell left arm just have longer duration and less rebuff little more damage

Thanks!!! i dindnt knew it, so this is why many ppl are going pyro3-link3

i’m already thauma1 and linker2 and i rarely got to link more than 5 mobs (unless i’m partying with a petlasta)

I think swell right + transpose will add good survivability in some scenarios too, but the swell right buff i think is negligible atm

ty for your viewpoint!

i don’t get any transpose bcoz it nothing for pyro

get good pdef/mdef then everything will be fine

and i’m rarely get benefit form swell right becoz pyro always use staff or rod+dagger

pyro3link3 or pyro2link2thau2 are fine in different way

u can link8 target without pel, just atk them to lure then link hang swell

get more 8mob while link on cd

is this only true for py3link3 build? Was thinking of mixing up a bit on the path w1py2link3thau1sage since you mentioned that py2 is okayish on dmg too. Your thoughts? (getting thau1 for rng chance drop since drop chance has been change so a lil mix for mats farming).

Lvl 15 JP
Maximum Link Numbers: 10
Count Limit: [?]
Duration: 85 seconds

^so the link breaks with fireball? even if the duration is still up? can you explain the mechanic.

**Edited: I guess it’s on the “Count Limit: ?” does anyone have the “specific count” details on this?

Count link = amounts of hits before the link dissappear.

Eg. count limit is 50, so after ur fire ball hits 50 times on the mob , the link debuff on monster disappear immediately

Each level on link adds 10 hit limit. So a lvl 15 link will brake after 150 hits. When you link 4 fireballs each tick of fireball hits 20 times, so for lvl 10 link it will hit 5 times per fireball and for lvl 15 link it should brake after 7-8? hits.

Pyro 2 is fine because lvl 10 fireball disappears after 10 hits which lets you combo with no problems.

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Thanks much clear now. So py3 has stronger dps overall outside the fireball+link mechanics, I wonder how much dmg is added to wall and pillar (and fireball) w/ py3 since im planning to go w1py2link3thau1sage instead of full py3. (PVE farming only)

Is this build okay or am I wasting the circle in thau1. Just 1 circle of thau for RNG of 2x drop (Swell) since the fullDPK is a thing of the past. I dun wanna spend my time concentrating on swelling all mobs to ensure I cover all chances of 2x drop focusing more on dmg/fast kill instead.

you are doing it wrong. thau single circle is a waste its normally two or three for maxmum profits. If you are going dps i suggest drop thau totally

How you group up mobs? More often it is more than 7 targets espeically on dun farming. also i forget to mention thau two with both swell add up to 1k magic or 450 magic with 400mded pdef depending on shield or dagger

The problem is not that 5 targets or 8 targets, it is more like 5s or 10s of debuff duration.
The high level map of monsters previously have like 300k-500k and now maybe like 200k-400k after maintainance, if you swelled them you can’t be sure to take them down with x2HP within 5s.

Thaumaturge2 isn’t that bad, it give a lot of flexibility in equipment if you are not lazy to swap them. It just that the benefits are not as obvious as other support classes.