Tree of Savior Forum

Should I even keep Alchemist anymore?

It’s sad though, that they removed Briquetting (would’ve been actually useful on Belcoper weapons as they come as blank slates). Where am I supposed to put my points now?
Gem Roasting? That’s a useless skill, there are enough people to roast your gems for a small fee.
Combustion is still weak/poor, because you actually loot the items dropped by Dig faster than you can combust them.
If they ever add an attribute that makes them unlootable to Dig, then Combustion could be a great skill, but currently it’s just a useless skill.

Dig by itself is also useless, because you don’t even need most of the items you can dig out (99% useless stuff)…
Maybe they could add a new skill that lets you create new types of bottles/jars with the material you dig up/combine with Magnum Opus, enabling us to make more potent potions and new types of them as well.


I just remember Alchemist in Everquest1 and their auto attack that threw potions at enemies. Throwing things is fun. Dunno why someone who mixes chemicals and etc for a living wouldn’t make some fun explosive bottles to throw.

Ok, it seems that i’m the only one that doesn’t like throwing potions…
I can accept crafting items to use it in skills, but literally throwing stuff to “do something” always seems off to me… specially throwing potions…

Also, prepare… IMC is planning to do something to Alches:

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Hmm! I agree…

With the feels, I love my alchemist (about time I went that road) but it does fell short…