Tree of Savior Forum

Should I even keep Alchemist anymore?

I must ask, i remember that when i tried to craft potions i had to start the crafting all the time because it always stoped after finishing 1 or 2 cycles (so like 5-10 potions total). did they fix that? have reseted my alch along time ago and might make one again for potions for myself\freinds and for the gems\awaking i do (its not for profit at all)

There’s an attribute to decrease the mob number to reach the boss, not sure if it’s any help tho, I haven’t tried yet.

They didn’t, but you can search for an add-on called sd_craftqueue, it helps on that.

Not sure why I double posted.

It isn’t useless but still doesn’t make any change in the time you waste inside. You will still be there for at least 21 minutes maybe even more. I’m asking for it to be faster maybe just 10 minutes, something more timewise, and for the potions maybe 2 seconds instead of 8.

Ah, well it would be faster if they made the mob spawn 5 seconds right after the last one of the batch is killed.

I think there is no need for 30 min everytime you have to do it since you have so many gears to awake, and there is the angry God of RNG inside it what make it the worst experience ever. It is worse than uphill arguable more rewarding.

Ask for your guild leader to use the flag, it reduces crafting time by 25%.

i can see wiz2>linker2>thuma1>alch3>featherfoot1 working as a farm build. teach your homunculus joint penalty and nothing else. you’ll have your own links + homunculus links. then slap the enemies with kundela slash. another build that coulda actually work out is wiz2>linker3>alch3>sorc1. just let your pet beat stuff up while you and your homunculus link stuff. really, though, alchemist is trash. there’s always a better option. alchemist just for making pots.

Alchemist needs a full rework, it’s an incredible class but its outdated and really needs improvements.

Combustion = useless
Dig = more useless than combustion
Awakening = It’s a good skill but numbers are pure RNG and most times do not compensate a potential
Briquetting = Underrated skill, it’s bad now it should have a better balance on levels. (I say underrated because now with primus gears you can make value of it easier)
Tincturing = LVL 15 POTS SERIOUSLY? End game you have to be a cleric or rent a cleric to heal. Also the problem of one sided stat chars is aggravated by poor potions.
Magnum Opus = This is the most interesting skill of Alchemist but its pretty much outdated by rank 6 stuff, you can’t craft new materials or any interesting stuff, and you clearly can’t craft everything as the game said you can.
Gem Roasting = No problem with this
Alchemist Missile = Pretty useless, doesn’t worth get any points on this, alchemist shouldn’t have any damage skills as it’s a crafter/shop class.

I think they will rebalance it later on but it needs so much to become a viable usefull class. Even because it’s ranks forbids you to make a rank8/9 splashable class so it’s restrictive by it’s nature.

I think if potion creation was more in-depth, it wouldn’t feel as bad because there’d be variety in the market, but eh.

should give alchemist a party buff that makes hp and sp potions work better, and reduce potion cooldown by 50%. level 1 skill = 15% more effective, level 15 skill = 150% more effective. that would be a decent start to revamping the class. also let it throw ‘tainted’ HP potions at enemies as an attack skill. skill would have a skill factor, and also scale based on potion level (level 15 potions do more damage than level 10 potions). make it poison property so it gets +50% vs linked enemies. have it work like kundela slash, but ranged with lower skill factor (kundela is around 3500, so maybe make it 2100?)

Briquetting is dead now, an NPC will be made in place of the skill. That’s the official statement

And since everybody is posting theirs wishing list, there’s mine:

Update awakening bonus, they were mean for the original game mechanics, that are long forgotten.

Change the way that the potions are crafted… Make it like the enchant scroll skill that is perfect and NOT PING DEPENDENT.

Rework combustion to spent items in your inventory also make it a real job gimmicky AOE.

Make a buff skills that consume items that you need to craft (like enchanter) but more defensive since the enchanter ones are more offensive.

Aaand, don’t make the stuff like Ro… Nobody uses that throwing potions stuffs, only throws the nukes.

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hi, i though i could ask here, any opinion on this build, just reseted my alchemist with the journal potion and wonder if this build could work solo/party play, any advice? atm(level 342) i invested 50 points on CON rest on INT, is this good or should i reset the stats?

I completely disagree. Tree of Savior is a unique game that has a huge variety of classes that serves a purpose. Alchemist just like Squire,Appraiser, Linker, Chronomancer, Pardoner, Oracle, Templar among others aren’t “tryhard” DPS classes and should never be it. Instead, they should make all these classes i mentioned more appealing on their own purpose on the game.
An example of a wrong change is adding Spirit shock as “DPS skill” for a class that isn’t focused on DPSing like Linker. Eventually people who likes to play Linker will want the class to be DPS and completely rework the class.
Another example is Templar. Templar was a guild support class that granted huge benefits for its guildies aka old Forge, old Shield Charge and the never implemented “academy”. They changed it so Mortal slash gets a miserable bonus from Battle orders debuff and Forge is a garbage dps skill. I could keep going with other classes but you get my point, i hope.
You can still farm with an Alchemist3 paired with linker3, easy one shot mobs with Alchemist missile,JP, H’s knot and a proper weapon.
If anything i’m up for removing Combustion, adding a new type of support potion skill C3 (high tier), rework dig, add critical rate, evasion, accuracy, block penetration etc potions to Tincturing, add R8 and R9 materials to Magnum Opus and that’s it.
By the way, TOS is not RO. Kim took ideas from RO but it’s a completely different game. It is designed to make multiple characters for different purposes. If you like the PvP/MvP meta Geneticist you should go back to RO, period.

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My Alch is wiz pyro3 sorc2 alch 3.
I think the dmg output from sorc 2 is too good compared to what wiz3 has to offer.

Not worth it, i tested it, better keep w3 and ele3 and use flame ground scrolls.

Also going OT, briquetting was good when the HG stuff was like random potential, now tho, with the primus things having only like 12 potential and 5 slots… well well… it doesn’t feel like good as before.

Alchemist needs a rework and that can’t be denied, either improving their DPS skills (wich i couldn’'t care less tbh) or make other skills outside of tincturing useful.

Dude, Alchemist Missile is awesome. If you swell your arm with Thermometerbob buff and spam Alchemist Missile rapidly without casting it you get some pretty sweet ass fireworks, bruh. Hell nah is it useless. You need at least 1 point into that. AND DONT U DARE NERF IT IMC LIKE YOU DID FEATHERFOOT FOOTPRINT SPAM LET ME HAVE MY NOVELTY SKILLS GOD LLLAMBIT!

Combustion on the other hand is so poorly thought out and useless that it’s an embarrassment to game design.


The biggest embarrasment in my opinion was when they limited the amount of times combustable at a time to 3. There was a fun combo of overweight alchemist with lv15 dig and combustion which wasnt really viable or practical but it was fun, but then they had to nerf it for some reason.

My biggest gripe with alchemist is also the fact that homonculus has a time limit, and it doesnt have any unique skills, since it just uses skills that you have yourself.

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Alchemist in this game is a joke, another IMC ■■■■ design. It’s like they try to make it unique from Ragnarok but end up with nothing but inferior crap. Better off just straight up copying from Ragnarok, which is way better.

if they did that, they will get legal action in court for copyright. :slight_smile:

Good thing they didn’t straight out copy and instead made a unique alchemist class that’s just as good and even improved on it to make a better superior alchemist class than a certain already existing example.