Tree of Savior Forum

Should I delete this wizard?

I got this wiz1Cryo3Ele3. lvl260.
Anyone have this build and actually enjoying it?

When I plan the build last time, it was great on paper.
Yeah cast that tree, then frost ground. While waiting for CD you roll them mobs with snow ball, then blast them with ice pike. etc etc…

…turn out this build suck monkey ass in real game play.

Got them mobs trapped in tree, time to show off my frost cloud. Oh damn the other guys finished it first. Oh at least ,my frost cloud got the leftover.
Oh there is it. A mobs wide open. Cast snowball… nope. too slow and get interrupted by a gremlin coming out of nowhere. Nevermind, use electrocute… damn these pesky mobs keep harrasing me. Back off from mob. cast again… and fire. Nope. I release it too early. Either cast it full bar for none. ■■■■. Again cast it, this time making sure it go off at full bar… release!! bzz… dangit I was too far away from mob its completely missed and wasted. Ok I got this hail. cant go wrong with this; cast… opps I cast it little too far * tiptoe move closer and stop * sigh… cast it again… yeah finally… a hail… and it goes directly to floor because all the mobs has been cleared by everyone else.

…happening all the time in every party I joined.

After 260 levels of agony I still cant get a grip of this build. srsly wtf.
At this moment I still can’t see how this build can get any better than my wiz3-elelock or cryokino-sage/enchanter in may ways.

Is this build worth getting to 330?

I favor a fun gameplay not this kind of torment even though it may somehow gives better damage output if done right.

Know of something similar, pyro3 ele3 wiz2 build.
You could try to make it less annoying by taking wiz2 at rank 8 (surespell).

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Been thinking about that, but im very conflicted with the idea of using rank 8 to patch that fundamental problem instead of adding valuable skills like missile hole or PoA.

Plus the character will still gimped with slow response, which in long run I afraid it will be just as useless as it currently is.

Someone please convince me that this build is proven piece of crap so I can feel good deleting it lol.

Make it an Enchant slave/shop at R8.

As someone with an Ele though, I don’t think I can play without Surespell and Quick Cast.

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I actually have a Wiz 2 Cryo 3 Ele 3 build which I basically used to use for ET 1-20 runs for farming gloves/boots and selling them in market for profit.

Before the reset event, it used to be the most common Wiz 3 ele3 WL2, and seriously, I don’t miss this build at all. Surely DPS-wise, ele3 wl2 is superior, but in party play (especially at random groups in ET where mobs can pack a punch at higher floors) having a second Frost Pillar and Freezing skills make it much smoother and actually faster if you are geared enough to also contribute decent DPS.

Tree + Ice Blast offers enough damage and utility IMHO to compensate for the lack of mastema (w/ attribute, which’s the only skill I truly miss from WL2 path); quick cast isn’t really needed as long as you’ve got surespell as there’s downtime in rotation anyway (unless you’re running 2 Chronos, which’s not optimal from my experience). Magic Missile is just as good a filler as all the other ice spells, so nothing much here, though I miss that stuttering from a MM used during Circling for sure.

Besides, we can actually choose whichever rank 9 brings as the good DPS option, without being locked to going Warlock 3 (in case it doesn’t also suck). The higher the ranks we’ve got, the better lower rank utility/cc becomes, so nothing’s wasted here. Frost pillar/freezing/Snow ball are just that important by themselves given how the game’s focused on DPS checks for groups of mobs, making it so gathering them and making sure they stay together until they are dead is primordial .

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Go wiz 2 in rank 8. Rank 8 choices for this is trash anyway (YES EVEN CHOOSING RC IN RANK 8 IS TRASH SINCE YOU GET CANCELLED A LOT). Wiz 2 is required when playing ele and if you are stubborn and dont want wiz 2 in your ele then there is no other options than to git gud casting your skills. That is of course if you can cast your skills without nuisances. :joy::joy:


  • WIZARD 2
  • SAGE 1
  • FF 1
  • NECRO 1
  • CHRONO 1
  • THAUMA 1
  • LINKER 1
  • KINO 1
  • PYRO 1

0 voters

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Getting Rune caster rank8 is stupid withoout intention on going kino nor a tteam to blow your ice wall. Going wiz 2 will make your skills reliable. You’d rather make sure you hit all your skills before going into another class to get even more skills.

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Okay guys. I got it. Thanks for the input.

I guess I’ll bear it for another 15 lvls and give wizard 2 a try haha