Tree of Savior Forum

Short Session before GM meeting :D

is GM Grape on the Forums here?

Where is the spring art contest @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia

:persevere: :tired_face: :astonished:

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@MyriadColors We are on polishing the rules that suggested by the polls we done last time Myriad, I thank you that you’ve been expecting our Fan Art Festival :smiley: But the waiting shouldn’t be long. We’re almost there.

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And I appreciate that you enjoyed with us. I hope to keep on working out the things that should be done.

Well, Grape usually at in-game to check over things and I keep concentrating on forum. I do frequently communicate with Grape though.

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Earlier on, this morning on Fediman[EU] I was talking to GM Grape about a bug, I think the notes I gave in the brief amount of time were good but seing is believing and I have the bug on Video.

It’s a very short video

Spells Used

Cannoneer: Cannon Blast : AoE 10 Targets
Falconer: Circling : AoE more targets with skills in this effect (reduced AoE defence Ratio)

I use Cannon Blast 4 times in this Video

1st Cast with Circling: BUG Cannon Blast hits 1 (One!) Target instead of 10+ (Ten!)

2nd Cast without Circling NO bug demonstration 10 targets

3rd Cast with Circling: BUG Cannon Blast hits 1 Target instead of 10+

4th Cast without Circling NO bug demonstration 10 targets

Feel free to link the video directly to Korean Developers, you do not need to be fluent in English speaking or reading to understand this bug.

Little extra notes:

With two players if the other player uses Circling and I use Cannon Blast it works normally! the bug is only if one player uses both Circling and Cannon Blast.

Circling with other skills works normally!

Cannon Blast with other skills works normally!

This bug has been there since day 1!

I actually have a bug report thread on this bug with no replies and low veiws! Cannoneer and Falconer Bug

My other reply does not show up tagged as a reply to yours, leaving this reply so you can find it.

please delete this post.

I just want to get this bug nailed down and eliminated while I still have someone fresh looking into it as it’s very very frustrating and a very very old bug.


  1. You know now (thanks to the topic about bugs) which bugs most irritate us … what is the priority? (Please tell me it’s about the cryomancer skills)

  2. Something about setting up a shop selling items to be traded for points in GvG as it works on TBL?

We just had another Mango party on Orsha.

@STAFF_Max we think you’re handsome. :wink:


…!!! :sweat_smile:

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Just ask Mango about how handsome Max is. :joy:

STAFF_MAX Liked this comment


I couldn’t go to Silute meet up and have a very important thing to say. Grim Reapers killed Dina Bee and Demon Prison for grinders AT ALL. I know it was with the intention of getting rid of afk farmers and WL but what happened is that they’re just still there same as before on dina bee (for the whole half hour I was there ch1 3 and 4 had like five necros afking and only ch2 had a never ending Reaper killing us off of the grind) and then Demon Prison had Repaers at all places at all times killing our grind but still letting some warlocks farm there by being careful and some afk necros still farming on the down part of the map.

tl;dr approaching the issue with reapers didn’t managed to stop the problem at all, just made it worse. please nerf out the silver those maps give, that’s just what everyone is after by doing those things, bring back our grind maps or maybe release more of em or just make hunting grounds a viable grind map.

EDIT: linking @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy in hopes you guys can pass this up so IMC can think of a better approaching to this issue.

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GM meeting @ Telsiai just now


How very organized was that meeting, in Silute people were randomly walking around and speaking gibberish while others wanted to ask questions.

This was EU meeting. Most interesting stuff here.

Images <<Click here

EU players at meetup

Silute Meeting


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No penguins in sight, I knew that in all their flaws staff were sensible. Death to the marine bird!


I wasn’t able to take part in the event due to personal schedule so I would appreciate if I would get an answer for one question. :slight_smile:

Here goes: Are there any plans of making pvp content more available throughout the day? Personally it would really help to be able to choose to pvp when I want to do it instead of 2 specific hours of the day. Even more spread out hours in regular intervals would be very helpful!

Thanks in advance.

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