Tree of Savior Forum

Shinobi - What are exactly the skills Bunshin no Jutsu work?

Hey guys i’m so confused with Bunshin no Jutsu skill, i need to know about this question. Recently i was so frustrated because Shooting Star skill can work with Bunshin no Jutsu but Hexen Dropper can not, if both of then are rank 6. In this time we are going to receive the rank reset, and i really want to know about it before reset my Shinobi.

i would like to know too what are all the skill clones can copy

Swordsman: Thrust, Bash, Pommel Beat, and Double Slash
Peltasta: Umbo Blow and Rim Blow
Highlander: Crown and Moulinet
Hoplite: Synchro Thrusting
Rodelero: Shield Bash and Shooting Star

Yeah, I’m not sure how IMC decides what skills are replicable by bunshin. At first I thought they only let low level skills work since those fell off at later ranks, but then they let shooting star be used with bunshin. Guess they’re really trying to push for shield ninjas, which I guess it worked. Shield shinobis deal the highest burst currently.


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