Tree of Savior Forum

Shinobi Advancement Quest "Hidden" Items

So most, if not all of us know about the Shinobi advancement quest requiring “hidden” items generated globally every 4 hours, and varies per channel. Now the thing is, why is it RNG based and why can EVERYONE see it and pick it up. This in no way makes logical sense, I get from a design point that you want to portray the shinobi class as stealth-like and such, but mechanically, I fail to see how this is any good.

What i’m saying is, no gaming community enjoys trolls, none. Yet, the blank scroll and yellow flower, that is VISIBLE and OBTAINABLE by EVERY class gives every player the tools to be a troll by taking the scrolls and items, especially when they don’t need it. For example, I’m a monk, i’m able to see and pick up this flower knowing full well I don’t need it, and knowing someone going shinobi will. Or an archer can just waltz around and nick the flower despite not being able to go shinobi either. Heck, a swordsman can just run about, knowing they don’t want shinobi, but have all the power take the flower and scroll anyways.

In no way, shape, or form do I see this being a good gameplay choice. If anything, this reinforces the idea of people being able to screw over other players as well as camping idly in the same spot for these items, no matter if the person’s intention is good or bad.

Now, some of you may completely 100% disagree that this can produce trolls or that the idea is poor, and if you believe that, you have every right to. But I can’t possibly be the only person that sees this very component to a class advancement as a poor choice.

If anything, at least make the items visible to all, but like the collection chests, which appear to be visible once client sided but it’s there for every player on their own individual clients (essentially removing the RNG spawn mechanic and the 4 hour global spawn on the items). Or simply add it to a quest to become a shinobi as a result of picking it during advancement/bar classes that can’t become a shinobi from taking these critical items essential to a person actually going the class.

Thanks for reading this semi-rant post, but this is quite a concerning flaw I see in this set-up and hope there will be some constructive feedback on this issue I see.

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I’m a week looking for yellow eyed flower petal, today I’m 10:00 am 22 the direct 6:00 pm changing channels, and not a single flower, that and ridiculous, this making get this class something impossible, I’m practically giving up and deleting the character, for making me lose an entire day standing doing nothing and not get any result I hope any response from the IMC, but I know they’re pooping to server us SILUTE

yeah 6 hours camping ,changing channels with noone else around (night time). no flower at all wth