Tree of Savior Forum

Shield Question

Lvl 265 here, got a Didel Tower Shield Recipe and also Bought a 2 sockets Migantis shield for 150k, seemed like a good price to me. I wanted to ask if Which of the two shields is better for an Inquisitor, I’m using a karacha dagger at the moment but feel like I’d need the extra def.
Also, in case of reselling, what is an adeguate selling price for the 2 socket migantis shield?

Based on the price I assume you mean the Blue 270 Migantis. Didel Tower Shield provides more total DEF, and 11 CON with a total Block a little higher than or equal to the Migantis. Migantis provides a fair amount of Crit Res which will significantly lessens an enemies Crit Chance in PVP, given the state of PVP, it lacks relevance and use. I recommend using the Didel Tower as it provides more Survivability with DEF and HP.

Reselling wise, the Shield could go up to 300k+, that’s what the price would be on Orsha.

Yeah, the blue one. For 150k it seemed like a bargain.
Thank you for the input.

And also, found a reine mace, seems kinda good, but alredy have a five star hammer with 5, 5-star red gems, all roasted. Which one would be better for an Inquisitor?

If your build focuses on SPR (for example if you’re a priest) get reine, otherwise you can keep the five hammer.

If you keep the hammer, try to get a Pevordimas Mace as soon as you hit level 315, since the former lost its end game allure after the combat update.

Yes, I’m playing a priest. So reine mace even if the physical damage output of five hammer is much superior? with reine I hit for 900-1000 without buffs. With 5star i hit for 1500-1800 without buff. Blessing gives 977 with reine SPR buff, With 5star hammer blessing adds 971

Something is wrong here :confused:

A 5 Hammer does 120-132 dmg +900 max damage from gems. On average 476.
A Reine does 498-551, which should already be higher than the Five Hammer. And we are not considering gems for the Reine.

Additionally, Blessing 15 provides 3 points of damage per 0.9 points of SPR. A Renie should add 116 damage to your Blessing.

dunno, I hand tested it on mobs and the resuts were those ones.
The thing is I saw lots of post that were saying five hammer is really good till endgame so I kinda went for it.

That was before combat update. After that, all weapons got buffed based on levels and 5 Hammer potential lost its edge. I have one myself, with level 6* gems, and use it just to level chars up to 170-200

Check it up again vs hanamings or kepa. Their defense should be low enough to make the difference stand out. And, since you already have it, try to anvil the Reine to +6 or +11, you’ll see a lot of difference on damage

Thank you! I’ll keep the 5star for alts since it can be equipped from lvl 40.

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Yeah, that’s the real benefit :slight_smile:
Cafrisun + 5 Hammer + Arde = easy alts leveling

I can keep reine mace until 315 and then farm for the HG mace right?