Tree of Savior Forum

Share & Discuss R9 Build

Hi all,

With the reset event in place, I would like to propose a thread whereby everyone can post builds that they have tried and discuss with everyone else.

Let me start of with a build that I tried for my sub.


  • Since it is just a sub, I won’t be able to fund it that heavily so I decided to go with Thauma3 to get most of the buffs in order to boost my low matk.
  • Pyro3 because out of all my wiz chars that I have I have yet to try out Pyro, and enchant fire would be a good collection to the 3 Thauma buffs that I already have
  • Tried Shadow2 to test out the new skills. Shadow Conjuration is a nice addition to AOE that I lack and Shadow Thorn is good for single target.

While doing quests, I feel that the AOE for this class isn’t that great. My few skills with AOE includes Firewall, Fire Pillar and Shadow Conjuration. I think linker would be a good addition but I would need to sacrifice either Thauma3 or Pyro3. Overall I feel that it will not be able to do that well as compared to the meta builds but since I’m playing this char solo for fun, I feel that it is a nice change. Maybe in future when there is masterclass for Pyro this could work better.

I tested

Wiz 1 Cryo3 Chrono 3 Enchant 2 full dex

I am torn actually because this is my usual Chrono sage for miki and I have no idea what to do with it now. The dmg is good with good ping, but somehow not sure if being Enchanter 2 with dex will fulfill the role of my support Chrono…

Plz send help

Insert Linker 2 to the build. Wiz1>Pyro1>Link2>Thau3>SM2

Mine is full INT since i have bad ping. Full DEX is good if you have good ping. Chrono will always be support regardless of stats. Sage blocks missile and magic, while Enchant blocks melee (not sure about Enchant Earth), can still be good support and semi AA at the same time.

PS: based on exp

Hi all,

I’m new to wizard class and would appreciate all the help I can get. I found this build on the net and was just wondering if this is any good.

Mainly will bw using this class for PVP, TBL. Stat probably is high con then the rest int.

Thanks for any input.

you want to get about 150spr and the rest into con.

Shadow c2 skills really chew through sp.

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Thank you for the input, kind sir!
How about the skill points distribution?

Wizard and Cryo skills looks ok to me. Mainly just for CC.

Not sure about kino skill spread. Why did that person put 9 point in teleport? Just personal preference?
Also why only 1 pt in Magnetic Force? Is it that bad?

How about shadow skill points? Any points that you would recommend for readjustments?

He added 9 into teleportation because he wanted 9 points in telekinesis.

Magnetic force is just for cc.

Even though title says Rank 9 builds, don’t mind me I’m gonna share what I’ve tested, and I’m only Rank 8, so I couldn’t test everything to their full potential.

What I’ve tried:

  • W1 Cryo3 Ele3 RC
    Did it for the Ice Blast + Ice Wall meme back then, it’s nerfed to ■■■■ now. Really unstable casting without the availability of Quick Cast and Surespell. Looks great on paper, but in practical use, hell nah.

  • W3 Ele3 RC Sage1
    Pretty stable. I liked the different rotations from the usual Elememe3 Warlock2 combo. This one has nice AoEs (albeit really long cast times) with Rune of Destruction and Ultimate Dimension. Plus, the RC costume is just too beautiful :heart:

  • W3 Ele3 RC Shadow1
    Another variation of the W3 Ele3 type, I think this has more stable single target DPS options because of Shadow. However, without any grouping spells (I’m looking at you Link2), I felt like it didn’t reach it’s full potential, mainly because of Shadow Thorn hitting only 1 at a time. Also Shadow in here is kinda overkill, since you don’t really have space to slot in shadow skills in the Ele-RC rotation.

  • W1 Pyro1 Link2 Thau3 Shadow1
    The farm build (of all I’ve tried). Of course it doesn’t fare with a legit farmer build like Ench2, but still this one gets the job done. Link stuff up, enlarge them and then bam, Shadow Thorn spam. I really enjoyed this build too, although it seems like more of a farming build rather than a dedicated DPS.

Overall, I think Shadow is in a really good spot right now, even with 1 circle. Shadow Thorn has amazing scaling, and deals superb single target DPS. Add a grouping class to it like Linker, and you’ll be amazed. What I want now is to try an Alch variant, something like W1 Pyro2 Link2 Alch3 Shadow1, with Shadow rounding off the needed DPS Alch needs to grind and farm etc.


wiz3 - link2 - ele3 - sm1

Mostly pvp oriented, considering the ktest nerf to Shadowthorn, so SM2 is not as needed. Link for some PVE utility as well as a pressure tool in pvp. Plink and Spirit Chain for pvp utility as well, has some pve uses.

wiz3 ele3 for some heavy AOE damage as well as stone curse for pvp, and sleep 15.

sm1 get 5 in thorn, 1 in conjuration, rest in pool and hallucination for pvp.

Get wizard 3 at rank9 to maximize early skill points in damage trees.

So far im unsure which of the following builds is better…

not that easy without knowing what will happen during wizard rebalance

Couldn’t find that part exactly on the changelog. Can you explain how it will be nerfed?

in PVP the double hit attribute is disabled.

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I tried Wiz 3 - Cryo 3 - RC - WL 2

Not the strongest, but the funiest build I could come up with since the start of the rank reset event.
You play different things with this build, like snow rolling mobs to you’re previous spawned devil spirits, frost pillar + ice wall + ice blast enemies (2 hits), mastema + rune of justice for holy element attack or frost pillar boss minions around it and ice blast them into devil spirits.

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Wiz1-Pyro1-Linker1-Thaum3-Sorc1-Enchanter2 (Full SPR)
I love this build, Sorc1 is a cheap solution to AoE damage + passive aggro + damage mitigation, attack speed is slow but if able to resolve with more dex gears, it will be godly good.

Wiz1-Cryo1-Linker1-Thaum3-Warlock1-Shadowmancer2 (Full SPR)
Very terrifying class, i’m hitting with Shadowtorn 250kx2 per cast, but I think Sorc1-Shadowmancer2 would be much better after experiencing the above build.

ZIP ZAP build.

Wiz1-Cyro3-Chrono3-Enchant2 (Farming and Party oriented)

Synergy between Cryo and Enchanter, utitilty and CC of Chrono. Pew pew pew!

hyper combo finish - K.O

Changed my sub from

Wiz1>Pyro3>Thauma3>Shadow2 (SPR based) to
Wiz1>Pyro3>Linker1>Thauma2>Shadow2 (INT based)

I feel that this is much better in a sense that with linker, I can instantly burst down a pack of 5 mobs with JP+HK+Shadow Conjuration.

Thinking if I should go for Linker2>Thauma1 instead due to future Swell Right nerf. Does lvl 5 and 10 Swell Left make a lot of difference if your weapon is not good? Since it is a sub and I dont fund this character excessively.

Also, anyone tried Sage2? Is there any good use for it as a dmg dealer or it is just useful as a portal shop now?

Any ideas on a build for Sage 2 damage focused? Looks like the new attributes does some decent damage. Maybe something like cryo3 ele3 sage2.

Anything R8 class is good with linker.
The problem of Sage is because cast time and cooldown making it lackluster compare to others.