Linker and Shadowmancer is cool. Rune Caster is really more just a “for fun and I like it really much” kind of thing to squeeze in if you aren’t some variant of Cryo or one of the regular attack builds. As a “nuker”, its not very impressive, specially for a hidden class. When link+shadow stuff have blown up a group of mobs, unless you’re pretty decently geared, Runes wont blow up mobs in between that. (talking the new hunting ground especially). At most you’ll have half dead mobs or something like that. And you’re dedicating 2 ranks in addition to RC for that. Rune of Protection really doesn’t matter in PvE, so is just a PvP utility. Even when debuffs from mobs in the original C8 content was demolishing people, you were better off just having Dispellers or what they’re called on you. Far more reliable. And in a group, Plague Doc is especially popular and provides a better anti-debuff buff.
Tho you could knock off Wiz3 and just stick with Wiz2 since last big balance patch cut cast times from 8s to 6s, making QC not feel as required in my opinion, and put Featherfoot 1(for sustain, Blood Suck 5 and links can demolish a group on its own w/ links and eliminate the need for HP pots entirely, and then there is the attribute to boost SP from pots aiding a little to the SP vampire that Shadowmancer is), or something like Sorc1 as a filler. Eliminating Wiz3 opens up for some flexibility in the R7 slot. That’s something from someone that’s been playing the Wiz2/3+Linker2/3+RC variant but w/ Featherfoot before Shadowmancer came out. But of course, just an opinion. As long as you enjoy yourself, that’s what matter. :>