Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer confirmed r9 or possible hidden class

shadowmancer adv quest items added to ktestserver neet.



could be hidden. cleric got its second hidden class while everything else has 1, and the rune caster was an old hidden class i think right after chaplain so i reckon wizard is next for its second hidden.

but then again it could be normal because shadowmancer darkness theme would fit in with the meta WL build. but there’s just no space for it to be in the meta build. it seems like it wont be for rank 10 when it might have fit in after WL3. it could pair up with sorc/necro… it should be a class that can uniquely link two classes to make a new combination of classes.

honestly, despite the support type wizards that have been added, the dps elememe hasnt been affected. the c3 generally tends to be weaker than the c1 rank for the new classes, but in the meta wiz build c3 has ALWAYS been key. so it is hard to believe that it would be designed for a meta wiz to have to pick the closing third class or the new shadowmancer class.
considering the mimic would be the support wiz, shadowmancer has, with no doubt, have to be the dps wiz

Inbe4 twist and Shadowmancer is an ultra debuffing/disabling Class with skills like shadow walk (cloaking skill), dark shackles (a binding skill), nightfall (AoE blind field that decreases hit&evasion rate by a lot), doppelgaenger (creates a clone that allows double casting for a while, similar to Shinobis Bunshin no Jutsu), black sabbath (turns every damage inflicted&recieved in the AoE into dark element property damage) and ouija (summons a large alphabet field on the ground; by luring enemies onto the right letters, you can curse them, put them to sleep, to death or deal huge damage; however, if you yourself pass over the letters, you will recieve the debuff yourself).

That would be way more fun than a damage dealer, the Wizard Tree needs a real debuffer&disabler with cool and useful abilities and Shadowmancer sounds like he’s ready for the job.

i hope shadowmancer becomes a mainly dps class and not so much a debuffing class.
Too much support in wizard now. I think having another dps circle would breathe life into wiz class. Shadowmancer is a rank 9 hidden class and i think it should complement previous circles and not be a standalone circle.

elememe is a common build. Its meant as an Aoe dps and i hope that shadowmancer helps in that it provides aoe dps. I think other wizard paths benefit from it greatly. If it has aoe good dps, than it can help alchemist builds or even thaum c3 builds.

Waiting for this class for the long time…:satisfaction:


The moment when you need pyromancer3 and cryomancer3 to unlock shadowmancer


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I really wish to see this skill for the shadowmancer


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DPS is so boring, there are already a lot of Wizard Classes(Elementalist,Featherfoot and Warlock are the best examples; Psychokino only works well with Cryomancer and Runecaster) focusing on this aspect.
Imo it would be better to make the current red Circle Classes that are still lacking (i.e. Pyromancer,Runecaster,Psychokino & especially Sage) better[after all,they are again rebalancing Classes and skills] and tread a new way with Shadowmancer that combines utility&debuffing with damage in interesting ways.

If it’s a rank 8 hidden class (considering advancement items are in rank 8 maps.)
I hope it has synergy with sorcerer, be it dps, debuffer, support, summoner idc. As long as it combines well with sorcs.

Shadowmancer maybe got shadow clones and dark attack similar to warlock.

shinobi* /20shadowclonesnojutsu

Any class that can summon a loli vampire is a win in my book. :haha:

Those quest item location suggest it maybe a R8 hidden class.
And base on the outfit it similiar to pyro style which could be a dps class.

yea, DPS is boring but wizard’s DPS design quite poor except elementalist.
example: Warlock is good dps, but dark element is so bad is pvp/pve, and it suppose to focus around evil spirit for unique gameplay, but then the evil spirit mechanic is just so poor, the trailing is buggy, invocation single target also bad and easily destroyed, what left is only PoA/Mastema very high skill damage %, same to FF the gameplay is lack of depth. (we will see in C3 later)

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