Tree of Savior Forum

Shadowmancer C3 HELP

Hi guys, im here asking for ur help with some questions especific for my build that do not have LINKER

1- Shadow Condesation new attribute still worth to max?

2- Infernal shadow max?

3- Wich is the best distribution??
Thorn 15
conjuration 15
condesation 8
pool 1
felter 1
infernal 5

  1. imo yes (its cheap) 2. why not? o.O 3. i have thorn 15 conjurtion 15 infernal 5 condensation 10 (not using others, but i have PVE build :slight_smile:

Do u feel powerful with this atrribute?

u need linker to unleash the power of the shadowmeme :haha:

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^-- this, my build is wiz2 linker3 thauma1 sorc1 shaodw3 and yes i feel the power D:

No thaum3?!?!

Is condensation really that powerful? I feel I’d rather spend some points in the utility skills.

spirit shock imo is one of best and most powerfull spell in game :slight_smile: with thorn i can beat boss xxx tiem faster than with my elelock ._. ofc u must go foll spr so sorc 1 will fit this build too :slight_smile: and for extra magic damage (and summon buff) u have thauma 1 :slight_smile:

Yea, and I think shadowmancer specializes in bossing, especially with spirit shock.

The only thing I dislike about the most popular shadowmancer build (wiz2-link2-thaum3-SM2) is too little offensive skills. Sure they have low cooldown, but still have downtime often…

Hi, what does Shadow Condesation new attribute do?

Increases the range of the skill to basically hit everything on screen

thats why i have sorc1 and linker3 spirit shoc is a way more powerful than linker2

Is link3 better than thauma3 then? I don’t really know how strong spirit shock is, but thauma3 buffs are really good when you don’t have a good weapon.

I think going thauma3 will be better for someone without a good weapon though.

Im cryokino shadow, dont like linkeer c:

Just ran dungeon 330 with shadowmancer today. It was quite unpleasant due to many flying mobs in this dungeon…

At the moment I’d recommend a shadowmancer with psycho2-3. Maybe wiz-pyro-link2-psycho3-shadow3?

tried wiz-pyro2-link3-sorc-shadow3, pyro/sorc good enough for mobs, link/sm for boss fights.