Tree of Savior Forum

Shadow Sorcerer

Hey !
I have the idea of a build combining Kino and Shadow (because I love Kino and for the CC, especially Heavy Gravity), and I thought to go full SPR with Sorcerer as filler, so something like :
What do you think ? Can it works with a decent (but not excellent weapon) ?

It can work! Won’t be the strongest build out there, but it works since Psychokino/cryo provides CC, Sorc provides moderate AoE/consistent dmg, and shadowmancer provides burst/high single target damage.

You will definitely want to get your weapon as strong as possible, especially since you are sorcerer with full SPR build.

If you want your shadowmancer to be able to do more AoE with shadow thorn, then getting Linker 2 instead of sorc2 will also work or combine linker1/sorc1.

I’m definitely not looking for the strongest build, more one who can solo easily and do stuff like CM in team (bringing dmg and cc) !

I never played Shadowmancer, is Shadow Torn only single target or can it hit close ennemies ? (like after Magnetic Force)

Build looks really good and will surely work with good weapon (aim at least at +11 trans5 primus staff with blue gems). also nice synergy between heavy gravity and SM attributes for grounded targets.

and yeah, shadow thorn (main damaging skill) is single target only, so for magnetic force you would have to use either shadow condensation or conjuration (don’t forget that heavy gravity for conjuration attribute)

y’can replace Kino3 to Link3

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Ohhh we have the same build. Except for Cryo and Shadowmancer. I was going to get shadowmancer but ended up with Sorcerer c3 with necro c1. Lel. But if you want shadowmancer, make sure to have c2 so you can have powerful damaging spells.

Choosing psychokino is good too. You will have more CC than a linker and your summon can hit em while your casting it. Also, psychokino’s CC is perfect for PVP :D.

Thanks for your feedback !
I love Kino and I always wanted to play with its interactions with Shadowmancer :heart:
What Sorc 2 can bring compare to Sorc1/Link1 ? Is Riding good ?

afaik you take less damage while riding (tho you can’t use other skills than that of the summon)

i have rider sorc, i use netherbovine and froster lord with it. netherbovine has quick auto-attack (skill 1) which interrupts mob’s attacks, so you end up almost never hit by mobs if you get used to proper positioning, froster lord on the other hand has awful auto-attack, but really good mult hitting skill 2 and skill3 on pretty short cooldowns which is good for farming higher HP mobs.

Thanks, that’s good to know !
I never played Sorcerer, so I suppose I will try Riding, and if I don’t like it, I will replace Sorcerer2 by Sorc1Link1, I suppose it’s possible now with the rank down…

No you do not take less damage while riding. It will provide you with the AoE damage of certain summon riding skills.

Also, sorc2 has access to morph which will allow you to reset cd of your summon’s riding skills. And you also get skills to control your summon better like “hold” which will allow you to move away from your summon while it attacks at a certain place you mark.