Tree of Savior Forum

Sexist TP Costs?

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Because selling gender specific stuff at different prices equates to sexism.

A HUGE amount of men like playing pretty girls in this game, so ultimately regardless of if the price is even considered sexist - you fail to see that it does not only effect the female players; your only real basis for sexism.

First world problems.

Well just realized the cost of female hair is $40USD according to today’s TP price.

I don’t think there is any sexism involved in the process of price gouging your customers.

The logic is somewhat simple:
People are far more likely to spend money on making female characters pretty/unique/stand-out. If you take that demand, you can try and test the tolerance of the player base on what they consider reasonable.

I should know… I spent $150 just to get cosmetic items for my one female char. Male chars are for the most part left standard.



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Didn’t noticed that until OP mentioned it.
This is dumb. Prices should always be the same for both genders.

So I like to play female characters, I am a male and I don’t pretend to be a female, yet I have to pay more for female character stuff, just because most men like to play female characters?

That’s a no no.

Gender equality on ToS NOW.
This is not Korea IMC, stop ■■■■■■■ it up for ■■■■■ sake.

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You could always play your gender, instead of being a catfish.


You’re either a childish person or really ridiculous if you think they should make the tp costs equal.

It aint sexism, it aint discrimination, its business, go away with your feminism branding.


4 items have higher TP cost…oh jesus the world is ending -__-

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Catfishing is acting like you’re a girl (including a fake persona behind the keyboard) when you are clearly not with the intent of reaping the benefits of being “real life girl playing games”.

Most people that play female characters almost exclusively play them because of aesthetic reasons (they think they look better than males) or because gameplay forces them to do so (some games have gender exclusive classes, or the game features only female playable characters).

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Man… feminism reached us…

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I’m surprised this topic is still alive with the same excuses for the higher price of female hairstyles. Funny is how people can justify a “High Demand” of a certain item or a “Certain Population is Higher” without any data to support their argument.

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I’m a

I would gladly roll a female cause i rather stare a a females bum then a males bum but since this is an isometric game so it really doesn’t matter to me =p

Jokes aside…

@rhedewayhke Yeah i agree…Sex sells

@Senia Cant disagree with you there… they need to fix the prices if they are releasing to an international audience =p

I doubt its IMC intention to charge the female TP items at a higher rate…im guessing they just wanna reap more profits seeing that more ppl prefer to play as a female toon then a male toon lol

There are discussions about this type of topics…not catfishing though

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lol…i don’t even know what to say…but this made my day XD.

But then again female hair are generally much harder to manage especially if they are long or permed and some of them are very specific to how they want their hair to manage… so more effort and attention is required.Especially if they want to look attractive and pretty.

Most guys like us rarely bothered our hairstyles…as long as it looks suits our preference…a simple haircut(or not at all…) would do fine…so we don’t generally go for those “extreme makeovers”(Sorry if i hurt anyones feelings)
But if u were to look at those high class barbers with “unique” hairstyles they will prob charge the same as a hair salon for females…

The thing is… this is a game…there’s is no need to need to compare to real life in terms of management for hair and price… the hair comes in a pre-pack box where u just need to drag it on to ur char to change ur hairstyle.

Then again its up to IMC… they are the ones to decidethe prices…so yeah…i’m fine with anything as long as they fix the rest of issues…

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Some girls i know…including my sis…play as males in a game… so erm…yeah…

Then again…

// Groping hand movements intensifies

My take in this, probably the set price of the hairstyles were as expensive as that of female hairstyles originally and maybe they foresaw that there will be less male characters created…hence they might have decided to lower the prices for male characters to promote creating a male character…this is just a theory like all of those “real life” comparisons everyone else made…so they might not have made it (female hairstyles) more expensive but rather made the other one (male hairstyles) less expensive, they are just cosmetic items after all and I actually expect them to always to be leaning towards being more (excessively more) expensive

Change perspective

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Hmm thats one way of looking at it too…

I am entirely shocked that there are people who don’t understand why this pricing difference is sexist. To be honest, the whole idea that hairstyles are somehow gender specific is sexist enough, but for all premium hairstyles for one character gender to cost more than all premium hairstyles for another is just blatant.

Real world cost differences are justifiable (in many cases) based on the fact that hairstylists generally spend more time and materials doing women’s haircuts. But a digital hairstyle costs almost nothing when compared to the profits they make off of it - a few hours of extra development time would be paid for in less than a handful of purchases.

My preferred solution would be to make all hairstyles available to all characters, regardless of gender. All of my characters are female, but I’m not a huge fan of bangs (which all but 2 of the non-premium female hairstyles have for some reason), so I ended up with the same hair on all of them. There are several of the basic male hairstyles I would have loved to use however (I am particularly fond of the asymmetrical short cut). And since male and female characters’ heads don’t seem to be differently shaped, this isn’t the sort of thing that should be difficult from a development perspective. The only difficulty is ridding people of this insane concept - that some things are for men and some are for women and there should never be any crossover. There is nothing wrong with men liking traditionally masculine things or with women liking traditionally feminine things, but everyone should have a choice.

There is no reason that having a body with curves should imply having long hair or that having a body without curves should imply having short hair. There is especially no reason that having a -digital- body with curves should mean that one has to pay more for a choice of hairstyle.