Tree of Savior Forum

Sexist TP Costs?

None of the male premium hairstyles are very memorable at all compared to the female ones.

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Nothing wrong with panty shots as long as equal opportunities yaoi and male butt shots are inclusive. Bunguo Stray Dogs being a good example of this occurring during this seasonā€™s releases.

Bit off topic really as we donā€™t get this kind of fan service in the game anyway though.

Why should a pay more cause im a guy rolling a grill? Wtf? This is discrimination against grill and crossdresser. LETS RIOT GRILLS, NOT EVEN JOKING. Edit: And btw some male character have pantsu shots, check the panty shot thread in the forum :slight_smile:

I still think ppl look at it the the wrong way. I feel like it is more like a little support for male hairstyles.

If you rly would like to force them to make the prices the same I think it will just end up with raising the price of male stuffā€¦because why the heck would they lower the female ones? X)ā€¦

I know I shouldnā€™t say it when I will have mainly male charsā€¦but stillā€¦ just let it be and try not to be jealous imoā€¦ It is not always worth it. :x But I also wonā€™t stop anyone if thatā€™s your desire. I understand.

Btw it is not that clear sexism as ppl think here. Both irl genders can play with both ingame genders. No one is restricted to get the cheaper stuff. I know it is not that simple but if you just look at them as products you clearly see it is rly just about business.

Ohh. Right so why is it legal in germany xDā€¦

Mens cut and womans cut. And if your a man with long hair you still pa ythe mens cut price xD.

Ohh i might bring this to my hairdresser.


I think youā€™re right. Nobody is accusing them of being intentionally bad about this.

The problem is that it IS going to cause annoyance to people that their hairstyles cost more. Itā€™s just frustrating to see that itā€™s based purely on gender rather than some other factor.

Itā€™s just not cool to do anything based on gender. The general principle is that most people play their own gender, I know thatā€™s not the case entirely with crossplay being largely enjoyed as people like kawaii things, but itā€™s definitely the case for the few actual girls playing.

It should be clear that nobody is accusing them of just being bad people to female players. Just that itā€™s not nice to see the prices being different. Itā€™s unintentional discrimination, but itā€™s still discrimination.

US people might be OK with it in the land of freedom. But over here in the EU weā€™ve got a different culture and laws that disallow it.


Rofl. Do you really think it takes devs the same time to make female haircuts and male haircuts? Go check again. Female haircuts=more detail,better quality and has more work put into it. If you want ugly cheap hair with worse quality like the male ones, then cool, drop the prices.

Off-topic-ish: Huzzah to male panty shots! Put on your highlander kilt and peltast skirt, face downward, then let the enemy knock you backward just before spamming PrintScreen or your Steamy-UI screenshot key. Hogma nostrils flaring up!

Back on topic: In all seriousness, I would not mind seeing some male beard options. I think thereā€™s a few NPCs floating around with beardsā€¦ unless thatā€™s just a hair accessory I havenā€™t found yet.

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It would sell for 10mio min ā€¦ if that were a headgear slot 2ā€¦

Sadly no beards yet.

They should redo male hair then and up the price to even the girls hair price rofl

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Up to the devs :smiley:

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I didnā€™t even notice the difference in price.

although this can be validly be interpreted as ā€œDiscriminationā€ I also see the reason why the hair style is more expense for female characters.

Simply putā€¦ Statistically, more females put more value in appearance then males. so as a company, why not profit from the difference of opinion?

whether or not you are male or female in IRL, if you have a female avatar, you more than likely want it to have a nicer appearance. Hence the reason why its more TP. if you dont, then you simply wouldnt spend that money.

perhaps translate TP to USD to see the real discrepancy to further prove your point why the female hairstyle should be lowered?

i think it just took more time to create/animate the female hair, donā€™t you think?

Female can spend more cash in appearance but its still wrong the difference in Price lol. Why i should pay more For having a nice character, and u pay less For the same things? And btw i dont think dat putting Real life inspired prices is a good reason, i mean there are wizard, golems and stuff and girls pay more For hair dressingā€¦ Kappa.

I think the prices are related to the actual work the devs had with specific item, eg. a more detailed/bigger hair would cost more than a short simple hair

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So if we use ā€œhair sizeā€ as measure to charge more from customers, I wonder if you can explain why Noble Pony Tail (male) and Noble Long (female) doesnā€™t have the same price.

So letā€™s make it simpleā€¦ girls always look better than guys!
Itā€™s normal. At least for me, a womanā€™s beauty is always overwhelming.

Also many guys are using girl characters only to look better (and for the G.I.R.L. proā€™s), but I canā€™t say the guy characters look bad at all.


That is also discrimination lol. Why they male crappy males hairstyle? Just improve the quality and balance the prices

not literally size related, we donā€™t actually know what goes on their offices, but on your exampleā€¦ the female one does seem more detailed than the male one, hence, more work invested on it

I agree we donā€™t know what happens in their office. In this case I belive the two haircuts had the same amount of work to create and develop, but who knowsā€¦