Tree of Savior Forum

Servers in different languages ( FR )


The Tree of Savior strength is her community, and she needed a personal server, a server will bring together French only. We do not want to see US server and ignored the other languages, because we are a community and we also have the right to have our server in our language. If you please, do us a French server.

Sorry for the bad translation, but we do not all speak of a current English. Think we please

Thank you.

You need tell this to your country, your distributor… here is the level up games, What is there?

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Well unfortunately for you Europe is usually lumped as a whole, so get used to international unless Europe get its own server.

“we also have the right to have our server in our language”

True but IMC is not obligated to provide it.

I hope no one will take Tree of Savior in France.
European distributor sucks so much…
I really wish IMC will keep International version for France (and Europe)…

IMC… Avoid Gameforge/Aeria Games/Trion and every distributors in Europe.

The strength of the game is the community but you want to dispatch everyone to their own serv ( If you do it for French you have to do it for others ). I am sure there will be French Guilds in the game you just have to join one and you can speak English, we can understand you even if it is not perfect ( see your post ).

I am French too and I prefer a server with a lot of people isntead of lot of servers with low population

on wait
Hi all, if you need french translate of Tree of Savior, Come help us on my community project.

en attendant
Bonjours tout le monde, si vous avez besoin d’une traduction de tree of savior, venez nous aidez sur notre projet communautaire.