Tree of Savior Forum

Server Transfer and why?

I know this has been asked for before, argued about and generally being a topic in conversations for the longest time, but I think it’s a conversation worth having (multiple times).

Currently ToS offers no Server transfer, which is a damn shame. Humans are dynamic in nature, people might move, meet new people or just want to play in a different region. As it stands now, you simply have to restart your progress in the server you want to play at, with no option to transfer your progress (Wings of Valbora, Acheivements etc.) and characters, whats the reason behind this? (In example it could be switching teams from Server A to Server B, where A is the current server and B is the server you want to transfer to).

I’m not suggesting they should be free, usually a transfer service costs a few bucks/euro/other, but at least give us the option.

I would really like there to be a more transparent dialog around this subject rather than our standard “Nothing planned as of yet”. Is the problem how the data is stored, making it hard to shuffle it around?