Tree of Savior Forum

[Server: Silute] –I found more high level bots. 22/1/2018 Gameplay Reports Bot Reports

  • Server : Silute
    I found more high level bots. They use names that sound like real people. Please ban them. Thank you for
    banning the other bots so far.

    When these bots are banned, can the items they listed on the market be removed as well? It would be great if this can happen for all bot bans to keep the market prices normal. And so real players can actually farm things to sell without competing with bots.

  • Team Name :

  • Location : Everywhere

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : All day

  • Evidence

    Robots are very cunning, they will see BBS post, and then select the offline escape , and will work in GM
    time to choose Offline escape. Please choose Offline to check their work time carefully and check their IP
    Robot working time is: 8:00 a.m --10 p. m.
    Robot avoid time: 10pm-8 a.m. the morning

    Request blockade robot market, find the key accounts.
    @GM_Francis @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Yuri