Tree of Savior Forum

September 6 maintenance?

I just would like to know when will be the maintenance will be finish… sorry cause i my steam game wont lunch it says running but the later on will be nothing just nothig i dont know if im the one having problem in lunching the game or is it just because of the maintenance

Maintenance is long done.

can i ask why cant i open the game its says running then nothing after that no error pop ups but nothing plss help :’(

Try this.

On Tree Of Savior in your game list and see if it work. It will download some files again with the patcher after, it is normal.

Make sure your game is in the Anti-Virus Exception List.

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ive done all what u said but still nothing… it happen before so i deleted the game file i dowload it and again its 8gig above i cant redownload it again :’(

Try restarting your PC? Open up Task Manager see if anything is running in the background ToS related. Restart Steam ect?

when i verify the game cache its says 3 error need to validate but where and how can i locate that error

-Mr scarethemonkeys ive tried that many times i open the task manager then process i see the client is running after that is vanish then the game wont start :’( i dont want to redownload again

Wow, I don’t know then. I’m sorry… I hope you get this figured out… I’ve never had any issues. Have you tried Validating files? (I don’t know if that would help either honestly, just not sure what else to tell you.)

Just noticed you said you tried that. Just tried Googling for ya too… Nothing came up for me that seems relevant to the Error 3 issue.

i do the validating files… it says all files are fix but still the game wont lunch… :frowning: ive watch all the youtube helpfull tips and done it all but still it wont work

So when you try to launch the game it says something like “Tree of Savior is already running?”

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what app did you use in making this gif?

yes at steam it says running but after that it will chage back to “ready to play” then nothing happens

I honestly don’t know. Something sounds really off besides the obvious.

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yah its really irritating… its happen before… so i deleted all the game file and then redownload it again and it worked… … but here it comes again :’( i cant redownload it again

I copied from other post the link, i think it is from Steam since it is hosted in their server.

um so what shoul i do? do i uninstall the steam and redownload it again? what if i uninstall does the games will uninstall to?

I honestly don’t know. You can try to delete the patch folder. I’m pretty much clueless w/o being there.

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Bro, delete user.xml and user_c.xml at ToS folder. And try to play.
Doesn’t matter if you reinstall the game, you gotta do this, give it a try.


where can i find that? Mr,predrothin?

Mr.scarethemonkeys i will give that a shot :slight_smile:

OMGGG!!! Mr,pedrothin IT WORKED :smiley: THANKS ALOT

Mr,scarethemonkeys YOUR A BIG HELP THANKS SOMUCH!!! :slight_smile: