Tree of Savior Forum

Secret in Demon Prison District 3?

There’s an area which isn’t reachable at the moment. But you can find a portal on the far end on the map which doesn’t work. Anyone got ideas how to 100% explored the map?

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I have 100% of the Demon Prison 3. At the Bottom Right of the map there’s a stone where you use the Seal of Space Item. I saw that portal you found at North, tried to teleport and failed. No idea what is it for.


Here you go.

Isn’t that the “Seal of space” you use in west Siauli?

its in demon prison 1f too

Yes, and a few other places. There’s a quest in the forest area after Forest of Prayer where you click space (mouse doesn’t work) on three pillars and it sends you to a secret area to fight a boss.